软骨鱼鲨鱼在漫长的进化中失去了硬骨 | 经济学人精讲第764期




Palaeontology  古生物学
How the shark forgot his skeleton
Bony skeletons may be even older than palaeontologists thought
  • palaeontologist: 古生物学家
Sep 12th 2020 |
VERTEBRATES—THOSE animals with a backbone—are a diverse bunch, encompassing everything from tuna and budgerigars to snakes, chinchillas and human beings. One way biologists divide them up concerns the composition of their skeletons. Most vertebrates sport hard, calcified bones, and are dubbed the osteichthyans. A second, much smaller category is the chondrichthyans, whose members include sharks, rays and skate. Unlike their hard-boned cousins, chondrichthyans make do with structural parts made of soft, tough cartilage.
  • vertebrate: 脊椎动物
  • tuna: 金枪鱼
  • budgerigar: 虎皮鹦鹉
  • chinchilla: 南美栗鼠
  • sport: 这里做为动词“显示、显摆”的意思,eg. He is sporting a nice beard. 他留着漂亮的胡子;He is sporting a nice suit. 他在显摆一件漂亮的西装。
  • osteichthyans: 硬骨鱼类
  • chondrichthyans: 软骨鱼类
  • make do with:  凑合用、设法应对
  • cartilage: 软骨
Palaeontologists had long assumed that cartilage was the more primitive arrangement. Osteichthyan fetuses, after all, begin life with a cartilaginous skeleton that is gradually replaced by harder, more durable bone as they grow. But a paper just published in Nature Ecology & Evolution suggests that view may be mistaken. In it a team led by Martin Brazeau of Imperial College London describe the discovery of a 410m-year-old fossil in Turgen, a district of Mongolia close to the Russian border. The fossil is the partial skull of a new species of placoderm, a type of armoured fish, which Dr Brazeau and his colleagues have dubbed Minjinia turgenensis.
  • placoderm: 盾皮鱼
长期以来,古生物学家一直认为软骨是更为原始的结构。毕竟,硬骨鱼类胎儿的生命开始时是软骨骨骼,随着生长逐渐被更坚硬、更持久的骨骼所取代。但是,刚刚发表在《自然生态与进化》上的一篇论文表明,这种观点可能是错误的。在报告中,伦敦帝国理工学院的Martin Brazeau领导的团队描述了在靠近俄罗斯边境的蒙古国境内发现了一块4.10亿年前的化石。这块化石是一种新物种盾皮鱼的部分头骨,盾皮鱼是一种鳞甲鱼,Brazeau博士和他的同事们将其命名为Minjinia turgenensis。


