中国江西人,哲学博士。画家、建筑师、设计师、企业家。北京大学文化研究员,联合国生态生命安全科学院院士兼副院长,国内外多所高校特聘教授,江西美术学院承办人、校长。在2009第二届美术报年度人物评选中曾与吴冠中先生同台领奖,评为“对中国艺术设计界最有影响力”的六人之一,是中国第一位设计大师勋章获得者。中国工商联家具装饰业商会艺术装饰委员会会长。Yu Jianggan was born in Jiangxi, China. He is the founder,president of College of the Arts Jiangxi.As a polymath,Yu Gong is a painter, an architecture,a designer and an entrepreneur at the same time. As a scholar,he is a culture researcher of Peking University and distinguished professor of a number of colleges and universities in China. As a conservationist, he was awarded the academician member by the MANEB. As an artist , Yu Gong won the Art Weekly’s Annual Character Awards of the year in the 2th China "Art Weekly"Festival in 2009. As one of the six Most Influential people of Chinese Art and Design, he shared the remarkable Awards Ceremony with Chinese artist Mr Wu Guangzhong, who won that honor at the same year. As a designer, he received the Medal of Design Master in 2015 Chinese Design year.余工以建筑绘画及设计艺术教育见长,数十年笔耕不辍,用建筑专业眼光探寻世界文明,用画笔诠释中国人文胜景及各国建筑艺术,行遍中国并长期游走荣洲、欧美各国,是画遍世界的执着艺术家。 Yu Gong is especially good at architecture drawing and he feels happy to devote himself to art design education. Now he still draws every day,as he has been doing since he was a boy. He explores the world from an architectural perspective, draws the cultural landscape with his industrious hands, and travels around the world. He is a dedicated artist.
余工,世界级建筑师,建筑钢笔画速写四十余年。为考察研究乡村建筑,笔行六十余个国家。他的速写草绘行云流水,随心所欲,在 “似与不似之间”灵动闪耀,处处散发其建筑师的无限想象力。