雅思口语| 来自《老友记》的8分表达(3)

1 can't stand to lose 输不起

Boy, you really can't stand to lose, can you? 老天,你就是输不起,对不对?

2 be way off 搞错了

You're way off, pal. 老兄,完全搞错了

3 get my heart pounding 让我小鹿乱撞

...you know, who gets my heart pounding... 让我小鹿乱撞…

4 chitchat 聊天

Okay, are we done with the chitchat? Are we ready to play serious poker? 聊天聊完了没有?要不要认真打牌啊?

5  break up 中断

Okay, sorry to break up this party... 好了,很抱歉要终止这场派对

6 be over her 对她没感觉了

Look, I am totally, totally over her, okay? 说真的,我对她 完全没有感觉了,好吗?

