
1 gourmet /'gʊəmeɪ; 'gɔː-/

  • 1 ADJ Gourmet food is nicer or more unusual or sophisticated than ordinary food, and is often more expensive. 菜肴精美的

    ·  Flavoured coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops. 

    ·  The couple share a love of gourmet cooking. 

  • 2. N-COUNT A gourmet is someone who enjoys good food, and who knows a lot about food and wine. 美食家

  • ·  The seafood here is a gourmet's delight.这儿的海鲜是美食家的一大享受。

2 connoisseur 鉴赏家,内行 /,kɒnə'sɜː/ 

N-COUNT A connoisseur is someone who knows a lot about the arts, food, drink, or some other subject. 鉴赏家; 行家

·  Sarah tells me you're something of an art connoisseur.萨拉告诉我你可以说是一位艺术鉴赏家。

Become a connoisseur of the best things other people have done. 让自己成为一个鉴赏家,鉴赏那些由他人完成的佳作。

3 boulevard /'buːləvɑːd/ :a wide road in a town or city, often with trees along the sides 林荫大道

The city is girded with ring roads and bisected by a grand, wide boulevard.


4 amateur  adj./n. 业余的,业余爱好者

A fellow journalist once told me that if you are not writing every day, then you are an amateur.


What kind of photographer is he,amateur or professional?


5 deluxe /dəˈlʌks/ 豪华的

deluxe hotel 豪华酒店

6 scenario  N-COUNT If you talk about a likely or possible scenario, you are talking about the way in which a situation may develop. 设想; 可能的情况

·  The conflict degenerating into civil war is everybody's nightmare scenario. 

7  elite /[eɪˈliːt]/

  • 1.N-COUNT You can refer to the most powerful, rich, or talented people within a particular group, place, or society as the elite. 精英

  • ·  ...a government comprised mainly of the elite. 

  • 2.ADJ Elite people or organizations are considered to be the best of their kind. 精英的

  • ·  ...the elite troops of the president's bodyguard. 

8 naive /naɪ'iːv; nɑː'iːv/ 无经验的,幼稚的,天真的

a naive young girl 天真的小女孩

·Jim can be so naive sometimes. 吉姆有时候非常幼稚。

·It would be naive to think that this could solve all the area’s problems straight away. 认为这样就可以马上解决该地区的所有问题也太天真了。

9 cliche /'kli:ʃei/

n. 陈词滥调;[印刷] 铅版;陈腐思想

adj. 陈腐的

While it may seem cliche, the answer does seem to point to experiences in childhood. 这听上去或许有点陈词滥调,但问题的答案却与他们的童年经历有关。

10 finale /fɪ'nɑːlɪ; -leɪ/  (演出的) 终场; (音乐的) 终曲;电视剧的结局

How do you feel about the season finale? 你对第二季结局的感觉怎样?

Well, how do we feel now about the finale and why? 我们对最终乐章感觉如何,这感觉从何而来

The season finale is taking shape now and it’s going to be quite a surprise. 这季的最后一集现在已经基本成形了,相当出乎意料。

