讲座预告| Kenneth J. Meier:发表公共管理论文:设计科学的经验
会议主题:Publishing in Public Administration: Applying the Lessons of a Design Science
主讲人介绍:Kenneth J. Meier is a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the School of Public Affairs, American University. He is also a Professor of Public Management at the Cardiff School of Business, Cardiff University (Wales) and Professor of Bureaucracy and Democracy at Leiden University (the Netherlands). His research interests include public management, the role of bureaucracy in democratic systems, comparative public administration, and behavioral approaches to public administration. He has served as editor of the American Journal of Political Science, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, the founding editor of Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, a founding editor of the Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, and current editor-in-chief of the Korean Journal of Policy Studies. His mentorship of students has been recognized by NASPAA (the William Duncombe Award), COMPA (the Sylvester Murray Award), and by the sections on Public Policy, Latino Politics, and Women and Politics of the American Political Science Association.