
Don’t Pay Attention, Just Be Attentive
How to pay attention to everything?Sadhguru says, don’t try to pay attention to anything.Just become more attentive, and you won’t miss a thing.
如何对万事万物保持专注?萨古鲁说,不用试图去专注任何事情,只是处于更专注的状态, 你就不会错过任何一件事。
Q: How to deal with giving attention to everything but at the same time having the control on what to attend to without attending to unnecessary details?
Sadhguru: You do not have to give attention to anything or everything. There is no such thing. This is the fallacy of modern psychology that they have told you, that you can pay attention to this or that.I do not pay attention to anything. I am just attentive. Everything that is there naturally comes into my attention.When you wake up in the morning, do you pay attention and see if the sun has come up or not? No. You are awake, sun comes into you. Everything that is there comes into you because you are alert.
萨古鲁:你不必对任何事或一切去给出你的注意力,没有这样的事情。现代心理学告诉你去注意这个或留心那个,这么做是误解。我不去注意任何事情,只是保持专注,自然而然地,周边万事万物就会进入我的注意力范围内。当你早上醒来, 你会注意去看太阳是否升起吗?不会,你醒来, 自然看到太阳。你接收到的这一切,是因为你处于警觉的状态。
Textbook Nonsense
Do not think in terms of paying attention. This is all textbook nonsense. They told you, you must pay attention to the textbook. I paid attention to the textbook. I paid a lot of attention, but nothing happened. Because I paid attention, I did not read. They gave me atextbook. I found a small speck on the page, and I justsat with this for the entire two hours. Well, that is not what they wanted meto do. They wanted me to shift attention from one alphabet to next, one word to next, one sentence to next – they should have told me. They said “Pay attention.” I paid attention.
别去理会给出注意力这种说法,这全是教科书上的荒谬。他们告诉你, 你必须专注在教科书上,我专注在上面,带着极大的专注力, 但什么也没发生。因为我只是专注着,而不是阅读。他们给我一本教科书,在页面上我发现了一个小斑点, 就这样注意这个小斑点,我坐了整整两个小时。好吧,这并不是他们想让我做的事儿。他们想让我逐字逐句来阅读--他们本应该这样告诉我的。他们说,“保持专注”,我就只是专注着。
Do not pay attention to anything. There is a way of heightening the level of attention that you are in right now.If you become far more attentive, everything is in your attention. If you try to pay attention to this and that, you will just lose your mind. If you sit here, you should not pay attention to me. You must just be attentive. If you are simply attentive, not just my words will fallinto your ears – much more will happen. Because people are paying attention to the words and they think they will miss it, they want to write it down. You will know nothing like this. You will not know life like this.You may pass an examination at the most. But the greatest beings on the planet that you worship never passed an examination. You never heard of Krishna going to write an examination. You never heard of Gautama Buddha going to an examination. You never heard of Jesus going to anexamination. But you worship them simply because they became attentive to life in such a way that they perceived more than you perceive, that is all. I also went to an examination and never wrote anything.
不用去注意任何事情。有一种方法可以提高你现有的专注力水平。如果你更加专注, 一切都会在你的注意力范围内。如果你尝试留心这个或关注那个,头脑就会被局限住。如果你坐在这儿, 你不该注意我,你必须只是保持专注的状态。如果你只是专注,我说的话会自动进入你的耳朵,不止如此——将会发生更多。如果人们只是注意到这些字句,认为会错过而想把它们记下来,这样的话你什么也不会知道,你也不会从中了解生命。你最多会通过考试,但是地球上你所崇拜的那些最伟大的人从不考试。你从没听说奎师那要考试,也从没听说过佛陀去考试,耶稣去考试。但是你崇拜他们仅仅是因为他们如此地专注于生命,远超过你当前能够感知的状态。仅此而已。我也去考试但总是交白卷。
The Mirror of Mind
Attention is not about something; it is the way you are. You simply raise your attention levels, not about something. Now everything will come into your purview naturally. If you try to attend to this and that, you will miss everything because there is too much happening in the existence. Nobody can pay attention to all those things.Mind is like a mirror. If you pay attention to something, you try to catch one thing. You will become a grimy mirror which will be useless after some time. It will become more of a nuisance than a help,which is what has happened to most minds.
注意力不是关于某件事。这是你存在的方式。你只要去提高注意力水平就好,而不是关于某件事。一切会自然而然地进入你的关注范围。如果你试着去关注这或那,你将会错过一切, 因为存在中有太多的发生,没人能注意到所有的事情。头脑就像一面镜子。如果你专注某件事, 你就会试图抓取某样东西。这会让你成为一面蒙尘的镜子, 一段时间后就无法使用了。镜子将变成一个麻烦,而不是协助的工具。 这发生在大多数人的头脑中。
If your mind becomes like a clean mirror, you donot have to make an effort to reflect.Everything that is there will naturally reflect in the mirror. Do not focus on attending to this and that – just focus on polishing the mirror. Lifetimes of grime are there. If you polish it really shiny and clean, now the entire cosmos will reflect in this.How can it escape? If you hold a mirror, can the sky escape? No, it has to reflect. So, do not try to pay attention to anything. But there is a way to work on your attention so that it can be enhanced to higher and higher levels.If you become super attentive, now everything is in your purview – it cannot be missed.
如果你的头脑成为是一面干净的镜子, 你就不必努力去映照成像。一切都会在镜子里自然地反映出来。不用专注于关注这个和那个---只是专注于擦亮镜子。生生世世的污垢都在那儿。如果你擦得镜子干净发光,整个宇宙都会映照在镜子里,那怎么能不在镜子里呢?如果你握着一面镜子, 天空能不在镜子里吗?不, 它一定映照出来。所以, 不用试图去注意任何事情。有一种方法可以让提高注意力, 使之能提升到更高水平。如果你处于超级专注的状态, 一切都将在你的范围之内---万物都不会被错过。