
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it”.You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explain what you will do to make your life more meaningful.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
本次作文阅卷中发现,部分考生的难点在于“outlast”这个单词不认识,或者猜不出其准确含义。其实,从“审题”角度看,本文中提供了大量的“名动形副”四类词,如考生能将这四类词的含义进行整合,再做出猜想就会更有胜算把握。如the greatest use of life, meaningful, to spend it等,可推测出作文主题应为“生命意义”,则生命的意义必然大于生命本身。
Whether in the past or at present, human beings constantly have the sense of urgency that life is so transient that it just passes away in a blink of an eye Therefore, to make full use of life we should spend it for something that will outlast it.
What are those things that can outlive our limited lives? In my view, they are contributions to science, culture and charitable affairs.
Issac Newton, for example, laid the foundation for Mechanics in Physics, which is remembered forever. Mozart, an outstanding musician, composed symphonies that never die.
Mother Teresa helped thousands of poverty stricken people in India She is remembered as a caring and loving hero Their accomplishments are the extensions of their lives.
As for me, I will make my life meaningful by doing the following. Firstly, as a student majoring in Physics, I will keep pursuing truth in this field. Secondly, I will work as a volunteer and spend my spare time giving a helping hand to the needy, making them feel loved.
In brief, we shall consider carefully what we can do, and then devote ourselves to what leads us to a meaningful life.
什么事情比我们有限的生命更长久?在我看来,它们是对科学、文化和慈善事业的贡献。例如,Issac Newton为物理学动能奠定基础而被后人永远缅怀。杰出作曲家Mozart 创造出永不消逝的交响曲。Mother Teresa帮助了印度数千贫困儿童,作为一个充满爱和关怀的英雄她被人们记住。他们的成就是他们生命的延续。 于我而言,我要做下面的事让自己生命更有意义。首先,作为物理专业的学生,我将持续追求这个领域的真理。此外,我将在业余时间当志愿者帮助需要帮助的人,让他们感受到爱。简而言之,我们要审慎考虑我们能做什么,然后再投入到能使我们生命有意义的事情中去。范文简析一般而言,满分作文较为罕见,可以说是可遇不可求。14分的作文读上去感觉应该是“漂亮干净”,即言简意赅、模板痕迹较少或没有。11分的作文读上去的感觉的应该是“清清楚楚”,即虽有冗余的表达或模板痕迹,但表意很清楚基本也无语言错误。本书中提供的“功能表达”范文得分介于11分和14分之间,主要目的不是体现编者的英文写作水平,而是帮助各位考生短期内快速突破。如果想细细品读,则应选择考场满分作文作为研读材料。