【每天老照片】-1万-5010-《费利斯·比托中国影像集》1860年 照片集
此套《费利斯·比托中国影像集》由著名战地摄影师Felice Beato拍摄。此内含照片110张,大致拍摄于1860至1871年,拍摄地涉及香港,广州,北京,天津。其拍摄了通州燃灯塔、安定门、清漪园、天安门、雍和宫等,是现在所见老北京最早的照片。此集整理自盖蒂博物馆。

1860年Felice Beato前往中国担任英法联军的随军摄影记者。比托在3月抵达香港,并立刻开始拍摄这个城市与邻近地区,最远到广州。比托在中国拍的照片是中国最早的照片之一。在香港期间,费利斯·比托跟了艺术家及《伦敦新闻画报》的记者──查尔斯·威格曼(Charles Wirgman)会面。两人于英法部队陪同下以北行驶至大连湾、北塘与海河河口的大沽炮台,接着又到了北京以及位于郊区的清漪园。威格曼在《伦敦新闻画报》上经常使用比托的作品。比托在中国北方拍摄了大量的残酷战争的场景,记录了北京皇家园林的破坏和英法联军对天津的占领。作为为数不多的随军摄影师,他有机会接触并拍摄了恭亲王奕?,并有幸成为了第一位拍摄中国皇室成员的外国摄影师。
页1:Portrait of General Sir Hope Grant,1860
页2:View of Hong Kong,March 1860
页3:Modern Building and View of Hong Kong,March 1860
页4:View in Hong-Kong – Bungalow of French Admiral in Foreground,1860
页5:View in Hong-Kong – The Episcopal Church – The Goverment Palace and Hurd & Co.’s American Mercantile House – The Plaza in Foreground,1860
页6:Howqua’s Gardens, Canton,August – October 1860
页7:Joss House, Canton,August – October 1860
页8:Parade Gnomio, Canton,August – October 1860
页9:Portrait of Mr. Watson,August – October 1860
页10:Portrait of Brigadier General Sir Charles Van Straubenzee,August – October 1860
页11:Lieutenant General Sir Hope Grant,August – October 1860
页12:Panorama of Hong Kong, showing the Fleet for North China Expedition,March 1, 1860
页13:Panorama of Hong Kong, taken from Happy Valley,1860
页14:Panorama – First Arrival of Chinese Expeditionary Force,March 1860
页15:Panorama – Odin Bay,negative June 21 – July 21, 186
页16:Panorama – Talien Whan Bay,June 21, 1860
页17:Panorama – View of Pehtung, August 1st, 1860
页18:Entrance to Treasury, Canton, China,April 10, 1860
页19:Temple of the Tartar Quarter, Canton,negative April 1860
页20:Entrance of the Five Genii Temple, Canton, China,April 1860
页21:Five Genii Temple, from the name Hui Tuh Kung, Canton, China,April 10, 1860
页22:Chinese Theatre, Canton,negative April 1860
页23:Nine-storied Pagoda and Tartar Street, Canton,negative April 1860
页24:Yamun Tartar Quarter – Canton – The Residence of the Tartar General,April 1860
页25:Temple of Confucius, Canton, China,April 1860
页26:Confucius, Canton, China,April 1860
页27:Nume Hui Uck Kung, Canton, China,April 1860
页28:Treasury Street, Canton,negative April 1860
页29:Temple in North Street, Canton, China,April 1860
页30:East Street from the Treasury, Canton,negative April 1860
页31:Five Genii Temple, Canton, China,April 1860
页32:Shuy-yiet-Koon, North Street, Canton, China,April 1860
页33:Chinese Merchant’s House, Canton, China,April 1860
页34:Commissioners Yamun, Canton, China,April 1860
页35:Arch in Confucius’ Temple, Canton, China,April 1860
页36:Nume Hui Kung Temple, Canton, China,April 1860
页37:Temple in Tartar Quarter, Canton, China,April 1860
页38:Mahomedan Mosque, Canton, China,April 1860
页39:Mahomedan Mosque, Canton, China,negative April 1860
页40:Five-storied Pagoda, Canton, China,April 1860
页41:Headquarters House, 1st Division, Pehtung, China,1860
页42:Portrait of Prince Kung, Brother of the Emperor of China, Who Signed the Treaty,November 2, 1860
页43:Portrait of Lord Elgin, Plenipotentiary and Ambassador, Who Signed the Treaty,November 2, 1860
页44:Interior of the Pehtang Fort Showing the Magazine and Wooden Gun, August 1st, 1860
页45:Interior of the Pehtang Fort Showing the Magazine and Wooden Gun, August 1st, 1860
页47:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21-22, 1860
页48:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21-22, 1860
页49:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21-22, 1860
页50:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21, 1860
页51:Interior of the Angle of North Fort,August 21, 1860
页52:Interior of the Angle of North Fort Immediately after Its Capture,August 21-22, 1860
页53:Exterior of North Fort, Showing the English Entrance,August 21-22, 1860
页54:Rear of the North Fort after its capture, showing the Retreat of the Chinese Army,August 21, 1860
页55:Panorama – Interior of the North Fort after its capture,August 21, 1860
页56:Interior of the Second North Fort, After its Surrender,August 21, 1860
页57:Interior of North Fort, Showing the Chinese Encampment, August 21st, 1860
页58:Interior of North Fort showing the Chinese Encampment,August 25, 1861
页59:Position Taken Up by the English and French Troops Within the Enclosure of the “Temple of the Earth”,1860
页60:Interior of the North East Fort,1860
页61:North East Corner of the Wall of Peking,1860
页62:The Imperial Porcelain Palace, Peking,1860
页63:Interior of the Tomb at the Depot near Peking,October 3-5, 1860
页64:Pehtang, “Probyn’s Horse,” in the Foreground,1860
页65:Entrance to the Fortified Town of Pauku,1860
页66:The Bridge of Paletchow Showing the Grand Paved Road Between Peking and Tongchow,1860
页67:Top of the Wall of Peking,October 14, 1860 or later
页68:Shops and Street, Chinese City of Peking,1860
页69:Street and Shops in the Tartar City of Pekin, October 29, 1860
页70:Wall of Peking,1860
页71:Tung Choon Pagoda,September 23, 1860
页72:Junks, China,1860
页73:Building and Camera, China,1860
页74:Temple Gateway, China,1860
页75:Chinese interpreters with Secretary Drew and Minister Low in Cabin of the U.S. Flag Ship Colorado,1871
页76:Interior of Fort McKee,1871
页77:Pehtung Fort, August 1st, 1860
页78:Staff Headquarters, Pehtung Fort,negative August 1, 1860
页79:Interior of Pehtung Fort, Showing Probyn’s Horse and Camp,negative August 1, 1860
页80:Tangkoo Fort after its Capture, Showing the French and English Entrance, August 10th, 1860
页81:Exterior of North Fort on Peiho River, showing the English and French Entrance,August 10, 1860
页82:Anting Gate of Peking after the Surrender,1860
页83:First view seen in Peking taken from Anting Gate,1860
页84:Position taken up by the English and French within the Enclosure of the Temple of the Earth,1860
页85:Panorama of Peking, Taken from the South Gate, Leading into the Chinese City,negative October 1860
页86:Entrance to Winter Palace in Peking,October 29, 1860
页87:View of the Imperial Winter Palace, Peking, showing the Artificial Hill,October 29, 1860
页88:Temple of Confucius, Peking,negative October 1860
页89:Interior and Arches of the Temple of Heaven, Where the Emperor Sacrifices Once a Year in the Chinese City, Peking,negative October 1860
页90:Temple of Heaven from the Place Where the Priests Are Burnt,negative October 1860
页91:Sacred Temple of Heaven,negative October 1860
页92:Mosque, near Peking, Occupied by the Commander in Chief and Lord Elgin,negative October 3-5, 1860
页93:View of the Imperial Summer Palace, Yuen-Ming-Yuen, after the Burning, Taken from the Lake, Peking,negative October 18, 1860
页94:Pagoda up in the Hill, – Summer Palace, Yuen-Ming-Yuen, Peking,October 18, 1860
页95:Architectural View of the Lama Temple near Peking,October 18, 1860
页96:Arch in the Lama Temple Near Pekin, October, 1860
页97:Part of the Entrance to the Lama Temple near Peking,October 18, 1860
页98:Imperial Summer Palace before the of Burning Yuan Ming Yuan, October 18, 1860
页99:First View seen in Pekin Taken from Antin Gate, October 1860
页100:Imperial Winter Palace, Pekin, October 29, 1860
页101:The Great Imperial Winter Palace, Pekin, October 29, 1860
页102:View of the Gardens and Buddhist Temple, Pekin, October 1860
页103:Great Pagoda in Gardens of Imperial Winter Palace,1860
页104:Thibetan Monument in the Lama Temple Near Pekin, August 1860
页105:View of the Summer Palace. Yuan Ming Yuan Pagoda. Before the Burning, Pekin, October 18, 1860
页106:The Great Imperial Palace (Yuan Ming Yuan) Before the Burning, Pekin, October 18, 1860
页107:Carved Tomb of the Depot near Pekin, The Place Where the Guns and Ammunition Were Left When the Army Marched to Pekin, October 1860
页108:Interior of a Cemetery Near Pongchow,1860
页109:Exterior of the Tomb Depot, near Pekin, October 1860
页110:Tomb near Pa-li-k’um. The Scene of the Commencement of the Attack on the 21st September 1860 near Pekin

费利斯·比托(Felice Beato,生于1833年或1834年,1929年逝),是一位具有英国与意大利双重国籍的摄影师。他是最早拍摄东亚地区的摄影师之一,也是最早的战地摄影师之一。他所拍摄的风俗镜头、人物肖像以及亚洲与地中海地区的美丽风景与建筑的全景极负盛名。比特游览过许多地方,并通过它的摄像镜头拍摄了那里的风土人情,包括各个国家、国家人民及所经历的事件等,这些照片具有很强的说服力与感染力,并且被永久保存至今。比特也正是通过这样的机会使欧洲与北美民众对那些陌生的国度有一个深刻的印象。直到今天,比特所提供的照片仍然作为一些事件,例如1857年印度民族起义、第二次鸦片战争等的重要资料。他也是最早通过照片来描述有价值的新闻事件,即被称为图片新闻报道。比特同时对其他摄影师的影响很大,尤其是对于日本的许多摄影师来说影响极为深刻、持久,皆因比特在日本工作时曾开过课教授众多摄影师和艺术家之故。