雅思口语 like和dislike的7+替代词

1 Do you like ..... ?
Yeah, actually it's really my cup of tea. 它是我的菜。
Well, it really takes my fancy. 它很迎合我的喜好
It really appeals to me. 它很吸引我
I'm quite partial to it. 我特别偏爱它
I'm really into it. 我很喜欢它
I'm fascinated by it. 我对它着迷
I'm fond of it. 我喜欢它
I'm crazy about it. 我为之疯狂
I get a kick out of it. 我对它痴狂
I'm interested in it. 我对它感兴趣
2 Is there anything you don't like about...?
sth. bothers me ....困扰我

sth. annoys me ...让我恼火

sth. irritates me ....让我生气
sth. bugs me ...烦扰我

It's annoying to do sth. ...很烦人
sth. agitates me 某事物让我焦虑

sth. drives me crazy 某事物让我发疯
sth. drives me up to the wall 某事物让我抓狂
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