【口琴汇--口琴周边】NAMM 2020--SE电子和HOHNER合作生产的口琴麦克风

在刚刚结束的NAMM 2020展会上,SE电子和HOHNER合作生产了一款口琴麦克风,详细介绍如下:
The Harp Blaster mic was produced as a result of a collaboration between sE electronics and Hohner - combining microphone engineering expertise with world-class harmonica manufacturing. This microphone will amplify your harmonica; it picks up every detail and nuance of your playing, ensuring that the smallest of instruments takes centre stage!
(SE电子产品与Hohner合作生产了Harp Blaster麦克风,将麦克风工程专业知识与世界一流的口琴制造相结合。这个麦克风会放大您的口琴。它吸收了您演奏的每个细节和细微差别,确保最小的乐器成为中心舞台!)
SE Electronics Harp Blaster HB52 Harmonica Microphone :
- https://tinyurl.com/regoot8

Here's what sE Electronics says about the Harp Blaster HB52 Dynamic Harmonica Microphone:
Based on the inspiration from a select group of professional players and modeled after the sound of legendary vintage harp microphones, the Harp Blaster HB52 sets a new standard. Designed as the perfect channel for the artist’s creative output, it’s comfortable to hold, cup, and use for long periods of time, ensuring that the music can flow unhindered and achieve maximum sonority and expression. Suited to the needs of touring professionals, engineered to uncompromising standards, it combines fantastic sound quality with optimal ease of use and maximum durability.
Instead of looking at competing products to sculpt the Harp Blaster’s sound, we took our inspiration from a select group of professional players. The goal was to create an exceptional mic ideally suited to their needs, engineered to uncompromising standards, combining fantastic sound quality with optimal ease of use and maximum durability. After all, if a microphone can become a seamless extension of the artist’s emotive output – rather than a distraction of an obstacle – the music can flow unhindered and achieve maximum sonority and expression. Together, HOHNER and sE chased down this ideal, creating a state-of-the-art product that will satisfy the most discerning harmonica player.
Perfectly sized for easy cupping and handling, the highly reactive capsule responds directly to your hand technique and your musical expression. Moreover, the Harp Blaster HB52 was designed with input from professional harp players to ensure that it’s comfortable to hold, cup, and use for long periods of time. The high output level and high impedance will drive your amp properly without the need for any impedance converters, boost pedals or stomp boxes. In addition to its handy dimensions, the flat and sleek grille of the Harp Blaster ensures a tight cup and facilitates powerful hand effects.
(SE Electronics关于Harp Blaster HB52动态口琴麦克风的评价如下:
Harp Blaster HB52基于精选的专业演奏家的灵感,并以传奇的老式竖琴麦克风的声音为模型,设定了新的标准。作为艺术家创作作品的理想渠道,它可以长时间长时间握持,杯装和使用,从而确保音乐畅通无阻,并获得最大的声音和表现力。满足巡回演出专业人士的需求,经过严格的设计,它结合了出色的音质,最佳的易用性和最大的耐用性。
我们不是从竞争产品中塑造Harp Blaster的声音,而是从一群专业演奏者那里汲取了灵感。我们的目标是制造出一种出色的话筒,完美地满足他们的需求,并按照不折不扣的标准进行设计,将出色的音质与最佳的易用性和最大的耐用性相结合。毕竟,如果麦克风可以成为艺术家情感输出的无缝延伸(而不是分散障碍),则音乐可以不受阻碍地流动,并获得最大的声音和表现力。 HOHNER和sE共同追求这一理想,创造出了满足最挑剔的口琴演奏者需求的最新产品。
高反应性的胶囊大小合理,易于拔罐和处理,可直接响应您的手部技巧和音乐表现。此外,Harp Blaster HB52的设计采用了专业竖琴演奏者的输入,可确保长时间舒适地握持,握住和使用。高输出电平和高阻抗将正确驱动您的放大器,而无需任何阻抗转换器,升压踏板或踩踏箱。除了方便的尺寸外,Harp Blaster光滑而光滑的格栅可确保杯盖紧实,并具有强大的手感。)