每日口语| 和洋妞一起聊化妆!
每日口语| 和洋妞一起聊化妆!
化妆叫做cosmetic, 常说makeup, put on makeup,I will never go out without putting on makeup,我不化妆绝不出门;化妆前要上的妆前乳,叫做primer, 粉底叫做foundation, 粉底还分很多型号,叫做色号,色号叫做shade,比如,After using primer, I’d like to put on Lancome foundation shade 2, 上完妆前乳,我喜欢用兰蔻2号色粉底;粉底也分两种,一种是常用的气垫粉底,cushion foundation, 还有一种液体粉底liquid foundation, Compared with liquid foundation, I prefer cushion foundation which is more convenient to carry , 比起液体粉底,我更喜欢气垫,更便于携带;还有一种叫散粉,loose powder,很直白的翻译,松散的粉末,This loose powder has really good quality, I will keep using this brand, 这散粉质量真好,以后我会继续用这个牌子的;
护肤和保湿永远是在一起的,保湿叫hydrating, 或者hydration, 起的作用就是滋润moisturizing ,moisturizer, 看到瓶子上有这两个词的,就是有滋润功效的护肤品啦,还有让皮肤紧致的词是tightening, ing形式表示迅速有效,I am crazy about this hydrating cream which is very moisturizing and tightening, 这款保湿水超级滋润和紧致皮肤,我超级喜欢;爽肤水叫做toner, James’oily skin is perfectly balanced by this toner,詹姆斯的油性皮肤被这款爽肤水完美地平衡了;西方人管美白不叫whitening,更愿意说成brightening;In most places in Thailand, I could not actually buy facial products for men without skin-brightening agents, 在泰国的大部分地区,我几乎买不到不含美白剂的男士护肤品;缩小毛孔是pore smoothing, pore shrinking , 精华素是serum, This is the professional serum smoothing and shrinking the pores on face, 这是款修复和缩小毛孔的专业精华素.
1. I will never go out without putting on makeup
2. After using primer, I’d like to put on Lancome foundati on shade 2
3.Compared with liquid foundation, I prefer cushion
foundation which is more convenient to carry
4.This loose powder has really good quality, I will keep
using this brand
5. I am crazy about this hydrating cream which is very
moisturizing and tightening
6. James’oily skin is perfectly balanced by this toner
7. In most places in Thailand, I could not actually buy facial products for men without skin-brightening agents
8.This is the professional serum smoothing and shrinking the pores on face