
 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Masocatto NO, Da-Matta T, Prozzo TG, Couto WJ, Porfirio G. Thoracic outlet syndrome: a narrative review. Síndrome do desfiladeiro torácico: uma revisão narrativa. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2019;46(5):e20192243. Published 2019 Dec 20. 本次学习由王珺楠副主任医师主讲。

2. Epidemiology 

The epidemiology of TOS is not fifirmly established, likely due to a lack of agreement regarding universal diagnostic criteria . The existing data suggest an average incidence of TOS between 3 to 80 cases per 1000 people, typically affecting adolescents to middle-aged adults, especially females between the ages of 20 and 50 . As mentioned above, TOS is usually subclassifified into nTOS, vTOS, and aTOS. nTOS arises from compression of the brachial plexus and comprises the majority of TOS cases, making up for 95% of all diagnosed cases. vTOS and aTOS stem from compression of the subclavian vessels and comprise roughly 4% and 1% of TOS cases, respectively .

nTOS can be subdivided into true or disputed nTOS, and is categorized as true nTOS with the presence of objective diagnostic abnormalities . True nTOS presents very rarely and is classically a unilateral condition in female patients, while disputed nTOS makes up for 95–99% of all nTOS cases, is often bilateral, and does not feature a classic syndromic vignette as the other types of TOS do . Although disputed nTOS may present with upper extremity symptoms similar to true nTOS, it is also often associated with other diffuse symptoms such as facial pain, visual or hearing disturbances, vertigo, tachycardia, and sleep disturbances .


TOS的流行病学尚未确定,可能是由于缺乏统一的诊断标准。现有数据显示TOS的平均发病率为3-80/1000,常发生在青少年到中年人,特别是20- 50岁的女性。正如上面提到的,TOS通常分为nTOS、vTOS和aTOS。nTOS源自臂丛神经的压迫,占TOS的绝大多数,占确诊病例的95%。vTOS和aTOS都来自锁骨下血管受压,分别占TOS病例的4%和1%。


As mentioned above, vascular TOS may be subdivided into vTOS and aTOS, depending on the compromised structures on presentation. vTOS is often associated with repetitive upper extremity activity and is seen in active young males, with symptoms presenting in the dominant arm . Typical symptoms of vTOS include cyanosis in the distal arm, as well as stiffness and tension in the superfificial veins of the upper extremity . In comparison, aTOS does not follow a gender distribution and is instead often linked to young adults with the presence of certain congenital anomalies such a cervical rib . While aTOS presents the least frequently, it is associated with the most dangerous clinical presentation and usually presents with pain and weakening of the radial pulse with large arm movement, as well as pallor, weakness, and fatigue .

As mentioned above, there exists a lack of data regarding the epidemiology and pathology of TOS due to its inconsistent diagnosis. In 2016, the Society for Vascular Surgery released an executive summary regarding new reporting standards for TOS . This document aims to unify terminology used to describe TOS and the diagnostic workup process, as well as improve overall reporting standards in an effort to gather clinical evidence to defifine better TOS treatment options.



3. Etiology 

There are many potential causes of TOS, ranging from congenital anomalies to repetitive motion injuries, all of which result in compression of the neurovascular bundle traversing the thoracic outlet. Nearly 70% of cases are related to soft tissue etiologies (such as scalene hypertrophy, regional tumors, or a muscular variation such as the scalenusJ. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 962 3 of 13 minimus muscle), with the remaining 30% related to bone abnormalities such as cervical ribs or joint injury with resulting malunion .

Additionally, TOS etiologies may be divided into traumatic and nontraumatic causes. A majority of nTOS cases are preceded by neck trauma due to either acute neck hyperextension or midshaft clavicular fracture sustained during motor vehicle accidents . Additionally, fifibrosis due to wound healing from acute trauma has also been reported to occasionally compress the neurovasculature, resulting in secondary nTOS . As mentioned previously, muscular hypertrophy can predispose to TOS as well and is an example of a nontraumatic etiology. Chronic poor posture may also result in shortening of the scalene and pectoral muscles and constrict the thoracic outlet . Both nTOS and vTOS are occasionally reported in young athletes due to injury from repetitive overhead motions with hypertrophy and fifibrosis of the anterior scalene and pectoralis minor muscles . Other nontraumatic causes such as the presence of regional tumors and cysts may invade the thoracic outlet and compress the neurovasculature . Cervical ribs are commonly found in aTOS cases, although they are rare and typically asymptomatic in the general population .






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