你很少知道的such as的特殊用法

一、such as常见的用法意为“例如、诸如此类的、像......那样的”相当于“like” 或“for example”,如:

There are few good movies such as Furious series.

(名词+such as+例子)像速度与激情系列这样的好电影很少了。

I enjoy such musics as those sang by the Beatles.

=I enjoy musics such as those sang by the Beatles.


Don’t do anything silly such as marry him.

(such as+动词原形)不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。

二、除了以上意思,such as 本身可以当做关系代词来使用,如:

We tried to bring you the newly released phone from abroad such as domestic shops still don't sell.


Blaming my daughter,I left the house,feeling a bad mood at my heart such as I had never had before.


