雅思口语| 9-12月Part 1考题:headphone耳机

clamp a pair of headphones over one's ears 把耳机戴在耳朵上
She clamped a pair of headphones over her ears. 她把一副耳机戴在两边耳朵上。
listen to sth. on a headset戴耳机听...
I wanna listen to the English radio on a headset.我要戴耳机听收音机里的英文节目。
get the headphones on戴上耳机
They've got the headphones on.他们都戴上耳机。
wear headphones戴耳机
perforate your eardrums使鼓膜穿孔
I refused to wear headphones because they can perforate your eardrums. 我不愿戴耳机,因为它可能会使鼓膜穿孔。

waterproof 防水的

The headphone is waterproof.这耳机防水。
HI-FI Stereo earphones 高保真度立体声耳机
I'd like to buy HI-FI Stereo earphones.我想买高保真度立体声耳机。
wireless earbuds无线耳塞式耳机
The wireless earbuds get 6 hours playtime from single charge.这种无线耳塞式耳机充一次电能用6个小时
high-capacity charging case高充电容量
With a 3500 mA high-capacity charging case, it can last up to 150 hours.
enjoy lossless sound quality享受无损音质
You can enjoy lossless sound quality when you wear the headphone. 你戴上这款耳机能享受无损音质。

wired over ear headphones 有线的头戴式耳机

When I have an online class, I'd like to get wired over ear headphones on.我上网课的时候喜欢戴上有线的头戴式耳机。
enjoy clear sound
You can enjoy clear sound.你可以听得特别清楚。
noise isolation隔音
The soft padded ear cushions are designed for monitor headphones comfort and noise isolation.  这个软垫子的设计主要是为了舒适度和隔音。
noise cancelling microphone降噪麦克风
The headset has noise cancelling microphone. 这款耳机有降噪麦克风。

