印度疫情9月9日与十大新闻(比尔盖茨22亿美元收购豪华连锁酒店四季酒店的控股权;印度明年再增加 13 个机场的私有化;)


周四,印度卫生部通知,在过去 24 小时内,全国共报告了 43,263 例新增病例和 338 例死亡。

其中,喀拉拉邦记录了 30,196 例病例和 181 例死亡。

印度卫生部表示,印度目前的活跃病例数为 3,93,614。活跃病例占总病例数的1.19%,治愈率为97.48%。

在过去 24 小时内记录了 40,567 次康复,累计康复已攀升至 3,23,04,618。

该国报告的新冠病例总数已达到 3,31,39,981。

在过去的 76 天里,每周 2.43% 的阳性率仍然低于 3%。据报道,每日阳性率为 2.38%。在过去的 10 天里,它一直低于 3%。

同时,已向符合条件的受益人接种了 71,65,97,428 剂疫苗,其中 86,51,701 剂是在过去 24 小时内接种的。




世卫组织上个月呼吁在 9 月底之前暂停新冠疫苗加强注射,以解决富国和穷国之间剂量分配的严重不平等问题。




印度铁路餐饮和旅游公司 (IRCTC) 将于 9 月 18 日启动印度第一艘本土邮轮。它已与私营公司 Cordelia Cruises 合作,从 9 月 18 日开始首航。

The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) will start India's first indigenous cruise liner from 18 September. It has partnered with Cordelia Cruises, a private company, to begin the first cruise from 18 September.



MUMBAI: After a three-month absence, India-UAE is back in the top 10 list of country pairs, with airlines slated to fly around 12 lakh seats this month, making it the eighth busiest international route in September, show numbers released by OAG, a UK-based aviation data firm.




NEW YORK: Microsoft founder Bill Gates' investment fund reached a deal to acquire a controlling stake in the luxury hotel chain Four Seasons for $2.2 billion, the companies announced Wednesday.
Under the deal, Cascade Investments, a private investment firm holding Gates' assets, will increase its holding in Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts to 71.25 percent from 47.5 percent by purchasing half of the stake belonging to Kingdom Holding Company of Saudi Arabia.



NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Thursday stayed all enforcement proceedings before the Delhi high court on Amazon's petition seeking enforcement arbitrary award restraining Future group from going ahead with its deal with Reliance.



周三,阿吉特·多瓦尔 (Ajit Doval) 和尼古拉·帕特鲁舍夫 (Nikolay Patrushev) 在印度-俄罗斯国家安全局级别的磋商中讨论了中亚共和国的安全问题。双方情报部门负责人出席了会议。

India and Russia have decided to join hands to firewall Central Asian Republics bordering Afghanistan from spill-over of Islamic radicalisation and jihad from Taliban-ruled Kabul.
The security of Central Asian Republics was discussed in India-Russia NSA level consultations between Ajit Doval and Nikolay Patrushev on Wednesday. The meeting was attended by intelligence chiefs from both sides.



A DAY after the Taliban announced its cabinet, with with no representation of women and lack of adequate representation of ethnic minorities,
Afghanistan’s embassy in New Delhi on Wednesday issued a statement in the name of the Afghan Foreign Ministry and “condemned” the announcement by the Taliban of its “so-called cabinet” as “illegitimate and unjustifiable”.


即使在新冠危机期间,印度仍是海外基金经理最青睐的投资目的地之一,因为它在 2020-21 年创下了有史以来最高的外国证券投资 (FPI)。

在 2020-21 财年,印度见证了强劲的 FPI 流入股市,达到 274,032 千万卢比。

NEW DELHI: India was one of the most favoured destinations for investment for overseas fund managers even amidst the Covid-19 crisis as it recorded highest ever foreign portfolio investments (FPIs) in 2020-21.

India witnessed strong FPI inflows into the equity markets to the tune of Rs 2,74,032 crore during financial year 2020-21.



印度内阁安全委员会(CCS)周三批准从空中客车公司(Airbus)采购56架运输机,这将对印度空军的运输机队起到重大推动作用。购买C -295MW运输机的交易预计将花费2000亿卢比以上。


In what would provide a major fillip to the transport fleet of the Indian Air Force, the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) on Wednesday cleared procurement of 56 transport aircraft from Airbus. The deal to buy the C-295MW transport aircraft is expected to cost upwards of Rs 20,000 crore.
While the first 16 of these aircraft will be delivered in flyaway condition from Spain, within 48 months of the contract being signed, the remaining 40 will be manufactured in India by a consortium led by the Tata Group over 10 years, the Defence Ministry said in a statement.


班加罗尔:豪华汽车制造商梅赛德斯奔驰印度公司在本财年前五个月的销售额约为去年的 80%,并且按照趋势,该公司预计这次将实现两位数的强劲增长,其董事总经理马丁施文克和首席执行官说。

这家德国汽车制造商上个月的销量为 1,070 辆,在印度的豪华车市场中名列前茅,高于去年同期的 497 辆。紧随其后的是宝马和捷豹路虎。

BENGALURU: Luxury car maker Mercedes Benz India has got about 80% sales of last year in the first five months of this fiscal and going by the trend, the company expects a strong double-digit growth this time, Martin Schwenk, its managing director and CEO, said.
The German car maker sold 1,070 units last month and led the luxury car pack in India, up from 497 units in the same period last year. The next in line was BMW and Jaguar Land Rover.


新德里:在印度政府宣布其雄心勃勃的资产货币化计划几天后,印度机场管理局 (AAI) 周四批准了到明年再增加 13 个机场的私有化——六个主要机场和七个较小的机场将与较大的机场合并 .

六大机场是:阿姆利则、布巴内斯瓦尔、印多尔、赖布尔、特里奇和瓦拉纳西。七个较小的,将与大的一起,分别是 胡布里、蒂鲁帕蒂、奥兰加巴德、贾巴尔普尔、康格拉、库什那加 和 盖亚。

印度政府预计到 2024 年 3 月,机场的私人投资约为 3,700 千万卢比。

消息人士称,合并将是这样的:瓦拉纳西与库什那加和盖亚;阿姆利则与康格拉;布巴内斯瓦尔与蒂鲁帕蒂;莱布尔与奥兰加巴德;印多尔与 贾巴尔普尔 和 特里奇 与 胡布里。

NEW DELHI: Days after the government announced its ambitious asset monetisation plan, the Airports Authority of India (AAI) on Thursday approved the privatisation of 13 more airports by next year — six major ones and seven smaller ones that will be clubbed with the bigger ones.
The six big airports are: Amritsar, Bhubaneshwar, Indore, Raipur, Trichy and Varanasi. Seven smaller ones, that will be clubbed with the big ones, are those at Hubli, Tirupati, Aurangabad, Jabalpur, Kangra, Kushinagar and Gaya.

The government expects private investment of about Rs 3,700 crore in airport by March 2024.

Sources say the clubbing will be like this: Varanasi with Kushinagar and Gaya; Amritsar with Kangra; Bhubaneswar with Tirupati; Raipur with Aurangabad; Indore with Jabalpur and Trichy with Hubli.

