“There is one born every minute”是每分钟都有一个人出生的意思吗?


“You really believed he would pay you that money back? There is one born every minute.”

这是我早上在朋友圈发了一条Morning Quiz,当时很好奇朋友圈好友们会怎么翻译这句话。

这两句话前半部分理解起来并没有什么困难,就是“你真的相信他会把钱还你?”的意思,所以,真正难处理的部分其实是后面的这句 “There is one born every minute.”

那这句话到底是什么意思的。结构上并不复杂,一个 “There be”句型,“one”是这句话的表语,可能指“一个(这样的)人/事物”,结合语境来判断,这里应该指的是人;而“born”作后置定语,修饰“one”,“every minute”作时间状语,相当于“in every minute”。那按照字面意思来翻译,就是“每分钟都有一个(这样的人)出生”,引申为“这样的人很多”。

等等,有朋友不赞同这个说法,认为断句存在问题。她认为是“born every minute”作为一个整体,来修饰“one”,即“有个每分钟都出生一次”,就是这种人“不长记性”。她这样解读的依据是参考了“I am not born yesterday”(字面意思:“我不是昨天才出生。”引申义:“我不是三岁小孩。” I am old enough to tell the right from the wrong.)这个说法。


这里顺带提一下“one”作不定代词时的用法。不定代词one指代可数名词,既可指人,也可指物。One既可以单独使用,也可以放在可数名词单数的前面作定语。其得数形式为ones,所有格形式为one’s. 反身代词为oneself。大致有以下几种:

1. One在句中可作主语、宾语和定语。

例句  If one wantsto visit the city, one must find one’s own guide.


2. One单独使用,泛指”“人们”“一个人

例句  One should take care of himself at any time.


3. Oneones(one的复数形式)可以指具体的人或物。

例句   The one in red is nothis friend.


例句2  Hey, look atthe books. Those are the ones you are looking for.


4. Oneones可用来代替前面出现过的名词,以避免重复。

例句1   I don’t have a knife. Lend me one,please.


例句2   I like small cars better than large ones.

参考译文:  我喜欢小汽车,不喜欢大汽车。

5. Oneones可以有自己的定语或冠词,如this, that, these, those, which, the 等。

例句There are three erasers, which one is yours,this one or that one or the yellow one in the pencil-box ?


6. it one的比较

it 和one都可用来指代上文出现过的事物,但it用来指特定的东西,即上文提到的事本身(the+名词),one则用于替代不特定的东西,即一类中的一个,相当于“a/an +名词”。

例句1  You have a pen;can I use it (=the pen)?


例句2  A:Do you have a pen? (你有钢笔吗?)

B:Yes, I have one (a pen). (是的,我有一支)


于是,我查了一下字典,CambridgeAdvanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus上给出的定义是“used to say that there are many people who are stupid or easy to deceive”,还给了三条例句:

例句1  “Too good tobe true” deals are currently all over the Internet, providing proof that thereis one born every minute.

例句2  Moore said:“Astrology proves only one thing, namely that there's one born every minute!”

例句 Their target user would best be described as “one born every minute”.

通过这个解释来看,“There is oneborn every minute”意思是很明确的,就是上文中的第一种理解“每分钟就有一个(这样的)人出生”。这是这个表达的字面意思,如果直接照着这个意思来翻译,又似乎有些莫名其妙,让读者摸不着头脑。


既然是习语,就不得不了解它的引申意思了。“每分钟就有一个(这样的)人出生”是字面意思,“used to say that there are many people who arestupid or easy to deceive” (用来表示“有很多愚蠢的人或容易受骗的人”)。

我又查了一下https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com这个网站,上面的解释是: A phrase used to express the opinion that the person or people being discussed are stupid and/or easily swindled or deceived. A variation of the expression, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” which is usually attributed to American showman P.T. Barnum.”

“there are many stupid or gullible people about (used as a comment on a particular situation in which someone has been or is about to be deceived)”

按照牛津词典的解释,“sucker” 就是“a person who is easily tricked or persuaded to dosth”(容易上当受骗的人;没有主见的人)。看到这里,“there is one born every minute”的引申义就很好理解了,原来背后有这样的渊源。


