Christopher Mir

Christopher Mir (American, b.1970, based in Whitneyville, Connecticut.)

MFA Boston University Boston, MA (1997)

BA Marlboro College Marlboro, VT (1992)

Shipwreck acrylic on canvas 40x48 inches 2017

Candle acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2017

Butterfly acrylic on canvas 47x46 inches 2017

UFO Fight acrylic on canvas 51x45 inches 2017

Breakthrough acrylic on canvas 44x3in 2017

Crash Landing acrylic on canvas 56x43 inches 2017

Flying Ace acrylic on canvas 43x50 inches 2017

Disco Core oil on canvas  53x45 inches 2017

Fire and Stars oil on canvas 53x45 inches 2017

Sunshine Flowers oil on canvas 53x46 inches 2017

Electra acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2016

Figure acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2016

Flowers acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2016

Circle of Lights acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2016

Clipper Ship acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2016

Two Moons acrylic on panel 56x48 inches 2016

Broken Model acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2016

Clearing acrylic on illustration board 12x12 inches 2015

UFO Coupleacrylic on panel 56x48 inches 2015

Double Trouble acrylic on panel 40x50 inches 2015

Brain Tree acrylic on linen 34x30 inches 2015

Boy acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2015

Core acrylic on linen 34x30 inches 2015

Memory acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2015

Blue Bell acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Clover acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Disco Grid acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Divided Portrait acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Double Portrait acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Doll Legs acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Friends Forever acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Brain Flower acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Teeth acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Web acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2014

Fire acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2013

Double Diamond acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2013

Cloud Family acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2013

Ace acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2013

IR Profile acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2013

Ghost of John Donne acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2013

Asterisk Mountain acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2013

Horse Dream acrylic on panel 17x15 inches 2013

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