美国前总统奥巴马卸任后的首部作品《应许之地》,于11月17日在全球各地以25种语言同时出版。这本书是奥巴马回忆录的第一卷。全书披露了他的不少家庭生活细节,也以2011年5月为时间截止点,回顾了在第一任总统期间,奥巴马应对金融危机、推出医改法案、美军击毙本·拉登等重大事件的决策过程。《应许之地》一经出售就登上图书畅销榜榜首。美国前总统贝拉克·奥巴马即将成为年度畅销书作家。Barack Obama is well on his way to becoming the bestselling author of the year.他的妻子米歇尔·奥巴马曾赢得过这个称号,她所著的《成为:米歇尔·奥巴马自传》在2018年飙升至图书销售榜榜首。It is a title previously bestowed on his wife, Michelle Obama, whose book 'Becoming' rocketed to the top of the charts in 2018.bestow [bɪˈstəʊ]:vt.授予如今,这位前总统的新回忆录《应许之地》正在打破该书出版商、企鹅兰登书屋旗下的皇冠出版社的纪录。Now the former president's new memoir, 'A Promised Land,' is breaking records for the book's publisher, Crown, an imprint of Penguin Random House.从应对全球金融危机到通过《平价医疗法案》,《应许之地》记录了奥巴马执政期间最重要的一些时刻。“A Promised Land” offers Obama’s take on some of his most notable moments in office, from wrestling a global financial crisis to passing the Affordable Care Act.take [teɪk]:(非正式)看法,态度《应许之地》是奥巴马两卷回忆录中的第一卷,共计768页。奥巴马在9月的一份声明中说,这本书“诚实地讲述了我的总统竞选和执政时期,关键事件和影响决策的人,我的正确决定和我所犯的错误,以及当时我和团队必须面对的政治、经济和文化力量。美国如今仍在努力解决这些问题。”The first of two volumes, this initial 768-page release is what Obama described in a September statement as “an honest accounting of my presidential campaign and my time in office, the key events and people who shaped it, my take on what I got right and the mistakes I made, and the political, economic, and cultural forces that my team and I had to confront then — and that as a nation we are grappling with still.”出版商尚未公布第二卷的发行日期。The publisher has yet to announce the release date of the second volume.在11月17日正式发售之前,已有数十万人预订了这本书。Hundreds of thousands of people pre-ordered 'A Promised Land' ahead of Tuesday's release date.企鹅兰登书屋11月18日表示,在美国和加拿大,该书“各种版本”的预订量加上首日销量总计达88.7万册。Those pre-order sales, plus first-day sales, totaled 887,000 units 'in all formats and editions in the US and Canada,' Penguin Random House said on Wednesday.这家出版商表示,这是公司“有史以来出版的图书中首日销量最高的”。The publisher said this result represented 'the largest first-day sales total for any book ever published' by the company.相比之下,比尔·克林顿的《我的人生》在上市首日卖出约40万册,乔治·W·布什的《抉择时刻》首日卖出约22万册,目前这两本回忆录的销量均在350万册到400万册之间。By comparison, Bill Clinton’s “My Life” sold around 400,000 copies on its first day and George W. Bush’s “Decision Points” around 220,000, with sales for each memoir currently between 3.5 million and 4 million copies.皇冠出版社印刷了340万本精装版《应许之地》在美国和加拿大发售。For the United States and Canada, Crown printed 3.4 million copies of the hardcover edition.今年早些时候,巴诺公司首席执行官詹姆斯·道特对《出版商周刊》说:“这将是一本影响深远的书。自2007年7月21日《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》问世以来,这本书的销量是前所未有的,这对书商来说是极大的鼓舞。”Barnes & Noble CEO James Daunt told Publishers Weekly earlier in the year, 'This will be a book of rare consequence. That it will sell as no other book has done since July 21, 2007' — when 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' came out — 'is immensely cheering to booksellers.'书商们预计,这本回忆录在整个节日期间都将排在畅销榜榜首。Booksellers expect that the memoir will remain a top seller throughout the holiday season.配合新书发售,奥巴马还分享了一个同名的音乐播放列表,其中包括“一些我在任时难忘的歌曲”,他在推特上写道。Obama shared an eponymous playlist as a sort of companion to the book, which includes 'some memorable songs from my administration,' he tweeted.eponymous [ɪˈpɒnɪməs]:adj.与作品同名的;以……的名字命名的