
Collin Mcloughlin著 胖胖虎译 中文版权归《70后黑俊堂》所有未经授权不得转载

Small andcontinuous improvements lead to sustainable long term results. People hear thisover and over again, and yet many never put such thinking into action. Somepeople even have an advanced understanding of the Kaizen philosophy ofcontinuous self-development, but they never experience the benefits in reality.As someone who coaches organizations in these methods, this disconnect betweenideas and implementation is a major challenge. One great model I've found toaddress this is known as the “Kaizen Pyramid.” This model was created byToshihiko Miura, my co-author on our book “True Kaizen.”

小而持续的改进会带来可持续的长期结果。人们一遍又一遍地听到这句话,然而许多人却从未付诸行动。有些人虽然对持续自我发展的改善哲学有了更深入的了解,但在现实生活中却从未体会到好处。作为用这些方法指导组织的人,这种想法和实现之间的脱节是一个主要的挑战。我发现了一个很好的模型来解决这个问题,叫做“改善金字塔”。这个模型是由ToshihikoMiura创建的,他是我的《真正的改善》(True Kaizen)一书的合著者。

The Disconnect Between Top-Down andBottom-Up Strategy自上而下和自下而上策略之间的脱节

How do you build a pyramid? Thesimple answer is, “From the bottom up.” We seem to know this intuitively whenit comes to physical structures. You need a foundation or else everything willfall over. Why then do people have so much trouble understanding the importanceof developing the frontlines of their companies? True development meansthat frontline people must encompass leadership of their own processes withtheir own authority and resources to manage themselves(self-managed). Companies, much like buildings, need architects. So, interms of people and planning, how do you build a pyramid? In the organizationalsense, you might say, “From the top down.” The disconnect between top-downobjectives and bottom-up implementation has been the downfall of many attemptedKaizen transformations. It essential to absorb the principle thatobjectives need to be top-down to initiate a more dynamic bottom-up cycle thatwill complement further top-town direction.


Many transformation attempts start with a great plan and often the initial results from thistop-down approach are dramatic, leading people to believe that the greatestresults happen this way. It is true that improvements at the top have thebiggest impact, since they directly affect the entire organization below them.But these improvements are few and far between. The result is that, whilegreater in scale, they are limited in quantity and unsustainable withoutsupport from the bottom-up. It's like trying to build a tower of blocks oneatop another in a straight line. You will reach higher in a shorter amount oftime, but the heights you can reach will be limited by the limited-stability ofyour foundation. Reach too high and the tower will fall. If you want to build higher,you need to continuously expand your foundation. This is where the pyramidanalogy comes from. But I should add that the composition of the base ofthe pyramid versus the base in the future is different in size, consistency,capability, knowledge, and resources for the context and time the pyramid is needed.


he Kaizen Pyramid Model To ConnectTop-Down and Bottom-Up他改进了金字塔模型,将自上而下和自下而上连接起来

When wecoach an organization, we always get top leadership involved first (top-down).This involvement, however, starts by going straight to the frontlines so theleaders can learn the true current state on the gemba compared tothe needsof the shareholders and customers. The leaders go to the respective activitiesto assess the Kaizen Pyramid as it is in the moment. From there, any problemsare traced upstream to get to the root cause. This is how leaders gatherinformation to make the right decisions, so the top-down strategy is actuallybased on gathering information from the bottom and going up. This strategy thenneeds to be “cascaded” down to different levels and departments. Cascadingstrategy ensures the multitude of small improvements at the base of the pyramidultimately contribute to expanding, reacting, and strengthening theorganization's capabilities in order to realize the high level targets definedat the top. This is the goal behind Hoshin Kanri (strategy deployment). For allthe visual management tools and X-matrices used for this process, the basicdefinition of Hoshin Kanri is as follows:

当我们训练一个组织时,我们总是先让高层领导参与(自上而下)。然而,这种参与从直接进入第一线开始,这样领导者就可以根据股东和客户的需求,了解现场的真实现状。领导们前往各自的活动去评估改善金字塔的现状。从那里,任何问题都可以追溯到上游,以找到根本原因。这是领导者收集信息以做出正确决策的方式,所以自上而下的策略实际上是基于从底层收集信息并向上提升。然后,这种策略需要“级联”到不同的级别和部门。级联策略确保金字塔底层的大量小改进最终有助于扩大、反应和加强组织的能力,以实现顶层定义的高级目标。这就是战略部署背后的目标。对于用于此过程的所有可视化管理工具和x - matrix,Hoshin Kanri的基本定义如下:

  1. Top-leadership defines strategy.高层领导定义的策略

  2. Top-leaders discuss this strategy with themid-level leaders under them to form consensus (“catchball”).高层领导与他们领导下的中层领导讨论这个策略,形成共识(“接球”)

  3. Mid-level leaders create contextualized actionplans to achieve the agreed upon strategy (ie 10% increase in profitability =22% increase in productivity for assembly area). 中层领导制定情景化的行动计划,以实现商定的战略(例如,在装配区域利润增长10% =生产率增长22%)。

  4. Mid-level leaders repeat this contextualization ofactions needed with those who work under them.中层领导会与下属重复他们需要的行动。

  5. This process is repeated until you reach aconsensus and create action plans on the respective frontlines.这个过程不断重复,直到你达成共识并在各自的前线制定行动计划。

As you can see, the definition ofstrategy starts as top-down, but the action plans are defined from thebottom-up contribution through collaboration.Top leadership must be prepared tosupport the frontlines by making sure their strategy is contextualized andgranulated to each member of the company. Most of all, they need to make surethe goals are achievable.



Depending onthe size of the organization, you will have any number of action plans as youdeploy strategy down the hierarchy. Each of these action plans will have to becontinuously evaluated and revised based on the PDCA problem-solving cycle. Thechallenge is then to keep these ongoing cycle's of Plan, Do, Check, and Act inalignment and contextualized for each layer of leadership and all the way downto the self-managed team members. This way, when new problems are detected andsolved, they can be prioritized toward achieving organizational goals. And thecycle of feedback and information flow supports the PDCA cycle. In the same waythat a number of small gears turn the hands of a clock, the numerous PDCAcycles toward the base of the pyramid must drive the overall problem solving tomeet the top-level goals. To ensure that everyone's efforts are aligned withthe overall plan for the organization you should think of the entireorganization as one overall PDCA cycle which encompass all others. For this,the different levels of the pyramid represent different phases of PDCA.Leadership is responsible for planning (P) to define the high level strategyand checking (C) to make sure that the frontlines are on the right track toaccomplish the plan. (Keep in mind that the first PDCA cycle starts with “Checking”the real current state to contextualize the ability to reach an achievable“Plan” as Jun Nakamuro explained in his article “Re-Translating Lean from ItsOrigin.”) The frontlines meanwhile are responsible for doing (D) the actualvalue-added work that must be done to achieve the plan's objectives. They alsotake action (A) to revise and establish new standards to close the gap betweenthe current state and the goals set by leadership.


Expand Your Base to Reach Higher扩展你的基础以达到更高

Your ability to achieve top-levelKaizen is dependent on the capacity of the frontlines. If you want toreach higher goals as an organization, you need to expand the base of your pyramid by investing in the people-development and capabilities of the frontlines. Your goal, regardless of strategy, is to grow your Kaizen Pyramidby creating self-managemened people who grow in their capabilities whilebeing productive, meeting the demands of the customer, and expanding theirroles and responsibilities. As they contribute, they will also be rewarded forthis growth.


Your own growth is a dependentderivative on the growth of those you lead. Training frontline people inmultiple skills and cultivating them to solve their own problems will not onlyincrease their capacity as an autonomous self-managed workforce; it will freeup leaders to focus on developing an ever greater organization that will leadto a more prosperous life for everyone involved.


This is my understanding of Kaizen,which I communicate and share with my community. The concept of the KaizenPyramid is explained with detail in Chapter 10 of “True Kaizen” as well as thenew book I am collaborating on with Jun Nakamuro and Will Homel.

改善金字塔的概念是我与粉丝们的交流和分享的我对改善的理解。改善金字塔的概念在“真正的改善”的第10章有详细的解释,以及我正在与Jun Nakamuro和Will Homel合作的新书。

