

1、海事劳工证书(MLC)Maritime Labour Certificate或临时海事劳工证书 Interim Maritime Labour Certificate(where applicabe)

公约依据:规则 5.1.3 /3 Regulation 标准 A5 .1 .3

1. This Regulation applies to ships of:

(a) 500 gross tonnage or over, engaged in international voyages; and

(b) 500 gross tonnage or over, flying the flag of a Member and operating from a port, or between ports, in another country.……


2、海事劳工符合声明(DMLC)Declaration of Maritime Compliance

公约依据:标准 A5.1.3/10 标准 A5.1.3/12

10. The declaration of maritime labour compliance shall be attached to the maritime labour certificate. It shall have two parts:

(a) Part I shall be drawn up by the competent authority which shall: (i) identify the list of matters to be inspected in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Standard; (ii) identify the national requirements embodying the relevant provisions of thisConvention by providing a referen……

精解:DMLC 由两个部分组成:第I部分应由船旗国主管机关编制,援引实施公约要求的船旗国规定,包括对有关要求的等效免除;第II部分由船东编制,明确持续符合船旗国实施公约要求所采取的措施,该符合声明应有英译文。

3、2006年海事劳工公约(MLC,2006) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

公约依据:标准 A5.1.1/2

2. Each Member shall require all ships that fly its flag to have a copy of this Convention available on board


4、海员遣返规定 Provisions Regarding Repatriation

公约依据:标准 A2.5/9

9. Each Member shall require that ships that fly its flag carry and make available to seafarers a copy of the applicable national provisions regarding repatriation written in an appropriate language.


5. 最低安全配员证书Minimum Safe Manning Document

公约依据:标准 A2.7/1

标准A2.7 – 配员水平

1.Each Member shall require that all ships that fly its flag have a sufficient number of seafarers on board to ensure that ships are operated safely, efficiently and with due regard to security. Every ship shall be manned by a crew that is adequate, in terms of size and qualifications, to ensure the safety and security of the ship and its personnel, under all operating conditions, in accordance with the minimum safe manning document or an equivalent issued by the competent authority, and to comply with the standards of this Convention.

6. 体检证书 Medical Certificate

公约依据:规则 1.2 标准 A1.2

(a) a medical certificate shall be valid for a maximum period of two years unless the seafarer is under the age of 18, in which case the maximum period of validity shall be one year;

(a) 体检证书的最长有效期为两年,除非船员低于18岁,在这种情况下体检证书的最长有效期应为一年;

(b) a certification of colour vision shall be valid for a maximum period of six years.

(b) 色觉视力证书的最长有效期应为六年。

8.In urgent cases the competent authority may permit a seafarer to work without a valid medical certificate until the next port of call where the seafarer can obtain a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner, provided that:


(a) the period of such permission does not exceed three months; and

(a) 所允许的期间不超过3个月;并且

(b) the seafarer concerned is in possession of an expired medical certificate of recent date.

(b) 该海员持有最近过期的体检证书。

9.If the period of validity of a certificate expires in the course of a voyage, the certificate shall continue in force until the next port of call where the seafarer can obtain a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner, provided that the period shall not exceed three months.




公约要求: 标准 A4.1/4(c)

(c) 应要求不配备医生的船舶,要么在船上至少有一名海员,其一部分正式职责是负责医疗和管理药品,要么船上至少有一名海员胜任提供医疗急救;不是专职医生但负责船上医疗的人员应该满意地完成了符合经修正的《1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》(《STCW公约》)要求的培训;被指定提供医疗急救的海员应满意地完成了符合《STCW公约》要求的医疗急救培训。国家法律或条例应规定所要求的认可培训水平,并特别注意到诸如航行时间、性质和条件以及船上海员的数量等因素;以及

(d) The competent authority shall ensure by a prearranged system that medical advice by radio or satellite communication to ships at sea, including specialist advice, is available 24 hours a day; medical advice, including the onward transmission of medical messages by radio or satellite communication between a ship and those ashore giving the advice, shall be available free of charge to all ships irrespective of the flag that they fly.

(e) 主管当局应通过一个预先安排的机制,保证船舶在海上能够每天24小时均可得到通过无线电或卫星通讯提供的医疗指导,包括专家指导。医疗指导,包括船舶与岸上提供医疗咨询的机构通过无线电台或卫星通讯进行的医疗信息沟通,均应由所有船舶免费使用,无论其悬挂哪一国旗帜。

10. 厨师资格证书

公约 规则 3.2/3

3. Seafarers employed as ships’ cooks with responsibility for food preparation must be trained and qualified for their position on board ship.

3. 作为负责食品准备的船上厨师而受雇的海员必须就其所担任的职位经过培训并取得资格。

11. 海员就业协议(SEA)、集体谈判协议(CBA)、海员就业协议标准格式

公约 规则 2.1 标准 A2.1






