


Periodically I go back to a churchyard cemetery on the side of an Appalachian hill in northern Virginia to call on family elders. It slows the juices down something marvelous. They are all situated right behind an imposing brick church with a tall square brick bell-tower best described as honest but not flossy. Some of the family elders did construction repair work on that church and some of them, the real old timers, may even have helped build it, but I couldn’t swear to that because it’s been there a long, long time. The view, especially in early summer, is so pleasing that it’s a pity they can’t enjoy it. Wild roses blooming on fieldstone fences, fields white with daisies, that soft languorous air turning the mountains pastel blue out toward the West.




第一、二句:Periodically I go back to a churchyard cemetery on the side of an Appalachian hill in northern Virginia to call on family elders. It slows the juices down something marvelous.


1. Periodically [ˌpiriˈɑdɪkəli] 定期;周期性地;偶尔,如柯林斯词典例句:

Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case.


2. Cemetery [ˈseməteri] 墓地,坟地,公墓,如柯林斯词典例句:

My father lies in the small cemetery a few miles up this road.


3. Appalachian [ˌæpəˈleɪtʃən] 阿巴拉契亚山脉。

4. Call on(短暂)拜访,探访,看望;要求;呼吁;号召,如柯林斯词典例句:

Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts.


5. Slow down(使)身心松弛;(使)放松;(使)放慢,(使)减速,如柯林斯词典例句:

You will need to slow down for a while.


6. Juice 精力,活力;果汁;肉汁;胃液;消化液,如词典例句:

I just don’t have the juice anymore.


第三句:They are all situated right behind an imposing brick church with a tall square brick bell-tower best described as honest but not flossy.


1. Imposing [ɪmˈpoʊzɪŋ] 壮观的;使人印象深刻的,如,a grand and imposing building 雄伟壮观的建筑物。

2. Be described as 说成是;真可谓;被描述为,described as 为动词过去分词形式作后置定语,如金融时报例句:

As the governor of a great economy described as “emerging”, what I can say is what sort of society I hope will emerge from this crisis.


3. Flossy ['flɒsɪ] 乱丝的;毛茸茸的;丝绵似的;轻软的;装饰华丽的,如,short flossy curls 毛茸茸的短卷发。

第四句:Some of the family elders did construction repair work on that church and some of them, the real old timers, may even have helped build it, but I couldn’t swear to that because it’s been there a long, long time.


1. Old timers (口语)老前辈;老资格的人;守旧的人;上了年纪的人;老手,如华尔街日报例句:

But regional management shifts as well as pay restrictions in the wake of the crisis led to departures by UBS old-timers.


2. Swear to something 保证某事,一口咬定,确定,如柯林斯词典例句:

Behind them was a confusion of noise, perhaps even a shot, but he couldn’t swear to it.


第五、六句:The view, especially in early summer, is so pleasing that it’s a pity they can’t enjoy it. Wild roses blooming on fieldstone fences, fields white with daisies, that soft languorous air turning the mountains pastel blue out toward the West.


1. It’s a pity + that + 句子,表示...很遗憾/可惜,that可省略,如柯林斯词典例句:

It’s a pity Martha and I had to miss our class last week.


2. Wild rose 野蔷薇,野玫瑰。

3. Bloom [bluːm] 开花,绽放,茁壮成长,如汉英大词典例句:

Flowers bloom in springtime.


4. Daisy [ˈdeɪzi] 雏菊,菊科植物。

5. Languorous [ˈlæŋɡərəs] 怠惰的,无力的,懒洋洋的;慢悠悠的。

6. Pastel [pæˈstel](色彩)淡的,柔和的,如柯林斯词典例句:

Any car you can buy off the shelf in a pastel pink has got to be saying something.


