J.K.罗琳新魔法电影即将上映,你在哪里 | Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them


To most people, the Harry Potter series have accompanied many people in the green years. Or, they inspired the former us to move forward with courage and spirits. All the time we believe in ourselves that we are the best, even though we may not achieve our goals!


As mother of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling created a series of seven magic novels in the past ten years during 1997—2007. And these novels have been translated into about 70 languages and distributed globally more than 400 million copies. At the same meanwhile, J.K. Rowling acted as a screenwriter, the movies of same name are also all the rage among the people sought after!


Nearly ten years has passed since her last Harry Potter film. Lately, J.K. Rowling comes to moviedom with her new movie Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them as a blockbuster. As a long absence, the magic turns back and keeps living on and on and on. Reported as the new “Harry Potter” prequel series, Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them takes place about seventy years before Harry Potter.


Not long ago, J.K. Rowling said she is “pretty sure” there will be five movies in the new Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them series. Moreover, she has already finished the script for the second installment, which is slated to open in 2018. As said, Newt Scamander will be also the leading actor. But, it is hard to say whether he is the one for the rest of three movies.


Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them feels very much like a “Harry Potter” movie, which is very interesting. In addition, it adopt an action-packed montage of footage. The movie opens with a series of Daily Prophet headlines that announce the wizard world’s recent history.


Here’s a surprise, our long-lost headmaster Dumbledore in Horry Potter shows up in it. Besides, his old friend Grindelwald also appears. Seeing that they two are the only official gay CP, what will the brilliant love story be???


Fantastic Beats and Where to Find Them is scheduled to release on 18 of next month. If you want to feel the magic world, please hurry to make adjustments and be ready to enjoy it!


Word Explanation(单词解析)


美 ['blɑk.bʌstər] 英 ['blɒk.bʌstə(r)]

n. 一鸣惊人的事物;(尤指)非常成功的书(或电影)

something very successful, especially a very successful book or film/movie


Her first novel was a blockbuster, which made her a millionaire.



美 ['muvɪdəm] 英 ['mu:vɪdəm]

n. 电影界,影坛


In her 17, when still in high school, she came back to moviedom as professional.



美 ['fʊtɪdʒ] 英 ['fʊtɪdʒ]

n. (影片中的)连续镜头,片段

part of a film showing a particular event


And I'd just like to show you a little footage of what he did back then.



美 [mɑn'tɑʒ] 英 [mɒn'tɑːʒ]

n. 蒙太奇,剪辑组合物;剪辑;蒙太奇手法

a picture, film/movie or piece of music or writing that consists of many separate items put together, especially in an interesting or unusual combination; the process of making a montage


The film thought with montage as a primary means is a visual image thought.


★ 作者:陈珺洁

Enjoy English, enjoy fun!

★ 编校:泉涌君



《无人生还》And Then There Were None),原名《孤岛奇案》,是著名的英国侦探推理女王作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品,也是她生涯中最著名的作品之一,被认为是历史上成就最高的推理小说之一,全球销量超过一亿册。被改编成多部影视、戏剧、漫画、游戏作品。小说巧妙地构思了八个素不相识的人受邀来到海岛印第安岛上,后来十个人都被谋害的精彩推理剧情,情节跌但起伏却毫不荒诞。该书出版于1939年。


