
Some people prefer to eat at fast food restaurant, others prefer to eat at regular restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.




Well, I would possibly prefer to eat just at regular rstaurants. My first reanson is that I just wish to enjoy everytime when I eat out. Like if I go to a regular restaurant, a decent one, what I get is not only the nicely cooked dishes but also the quality service from the waiters and also deliberated interior design of the place.So it is actually a good way to improve the quality of my life. And the second reason is that, in the regular restaurant, people get so much more choices in what they eat. Imagine that you are just standing in a Wendy's or BK or McDonalds, what else can I expect from those tedious burgers, fries chicken, salad and coca. I mean it is kind of boring and if you go to a regular restaurant, you have so much more to enjoy. So that's why.

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