Metro English-329 - ​Underwater Welder​ 水下电焊工

Underwater Welder 


Underwater welders

Electricity and water are usually two things that don’t mix, but for underwater welders, it’s just another part of the job. Employees in this field repair pipelines, ships, dams, and more, and face a series of dangers, including explosions and differential pressure hazards. For example, when a diver is trapped under the high-pressure flow of water, they’re at risk of drowning. While the BLS doesn’t track fatalities in this field, research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows underwater welders die at a rate that is 40 times higher than America’s national average. It’s important to note that the study is more than 20 years old, and studies aren’t frequently updated due to the small population size in this field.


welder 水下电焊工

fatalities 死亡人数

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