初中英语每天学一点(2021.4.1)stick to your dream and you will make it




1. _______(open) the window, please.

2 You must ______(be) quiet in class.

3 We have to _____(wear) school uniforms on weekdays.

4. ______(not arrive) late for school.

5. Larry never ______(fight) with his classmates.

参考答案:Open, be, wear, Don't arrive, fights(某些题需要注意首字母大写,否则错误)



1 I, midnight, last, studied, until, Friday.

2. earlier, don't, why, you, to, sleep, go?

3. she, you, them, did, back, to, give?

4. things, out, hope, fine, work.

5. needs, to, enough, he, get, sleep


1. I studied until midnight last Friday.

2. Why don't you go to sleep earlier?

3. Did she give them back to you?

4. Hope things work out fine.

5. He needs to get enough sleep



1. After the new railyway line began operations, the time on the trip from Beijing to Shanghai now is much less than ____ in the past.

A. one        B. this        C. that        D. it

2 --Tom, is that boy with glasses _____ new classmate?

-- Yes. let's say hello to ____.

A. our, he    B. us, him    C. ours, his    D. our, him

3. --Would you like to go to the Monkey Mountain or the Elephan Palace tomorrow?

-- ____ is OK for me. It's up to you.

A. Either    B. Neither    C. Both    D. All

4 -- I lost my notebook and I couldn't find ___ anywhere.

-- I have _____. You can take ____, please.

A. it, one       B. it, it        C. one, it



