民国三年袁大头英文签字版 甚为少见,市场价值极高,9月最新交易价格已突破130万!


在民国三年中,袁世凯的银元价格不断攀升,包括民国三年的“袁大头” O版、三角圆、英文签字版、苏维埃版、甘肃版等,特别是袁世凯“签字版”上涨幅度更大。当前袁大头民国三年签名版罕见,市场价值极高。当前袁大头民国三年英文签名版还很少见,市场价值极高。


民国三年袁大头英文签名版是原天津铸币厂试铸的钱币。这种货币最突出的特点是币的正面袁世凯头像右侧有英文“L. GIORGI”或简写“L. G”字样,是雕刻师“鲁尔治.乔治”的签名缩写。这样的宝贝,万中难遇。袁大头钱币历来为保藏者所钟情,最稀少的要数袁大头民国三年英文签名版。

这是中华民国三年袁大头(签字版),正面是袁世凯五分边像,右下角侧刻着“L. GIORGI”,该字样为雕刻师“鲁尔治.乔治”的缩写。上列「中华民国三年」六字,背面二字,左右相交,下面系结,中铸「壹圆」二字。这三年袁大头签字版整币精铸,波浪发,线条粗细,立体感强;肩星凸起,肩章线条清晰、精雕细琢;胸前胸前襟章和绶带立体清晰,背面有较高艺术价值和收藏价值。


Yuan Datou Yinyuan has always been a favorite of collectors. Yuan Datou also has many versions. But the rarest of them are the signed versions of Yuan Datou's English version of the Republic of three years ago. Yuan Datou has already auctioned off more than one million yuan at auction. But it is still very difficult to see Yuan Datou at any major auction.

Yuan Shikai's silver dollar price soared in the last three years, including the "Yuan Taitou" O edition, triangle round edition, English signature edition, Soviet edition, Gansu edition, etc. At present, the signature version of the Republic of three years is rare, high market value. At present, the English signature version of Yuan Tatou is rare and has a high market value.

Coins, behind the humanistic value, historical value, as well as its great economic value makes it a collection of enthusiasts most willing to pay category. Yuan Dadu has always been a coin collector's favorite, but the signature version of the Republic of three years Yuan Dadu is more odd. Now the signed version of the Republic of Korea has taken 6.31 million pieces, the fate of the encounter, for coin collectors are extremely rare! Chinese civilization up and down five thousand years, Chinese culture is broad and profound, Chinese currency culture has a long history. The historical value, humanistic value, ornamental value and great economic value of ancient coins have become a subject studied by many collectors and lovers. Silver coins in modern China have always been a favorite collection of collectors. Silver coins were first minted in the fiftyseventh year of the Qing Dynasty. In 1914, the former Tianjin Mint tried to coin coins, but only tried to do more than a thousand. Spread has been a hundred years, very rare, rare to see the real thing.

Yuan Taitou English Signature Edition is a sample coin of Tianjin Mint. The most prominent feature of the coin is that on the front of the coin, on the right side of the head of Yuan Shikai, there is an English word "L. GIORGI" or abbreviation "L. G.", which is the abbreviation of the signature of the engraver "Ruerzhi George". This kind of treasure is one in a million. Yuan Tatou coins have always been a favorite among conservationists. The rarest coins are those of Yuan Tatou's English signature in the last three years.

On the front is Yuan Shih-kai's side, with the words "L. GIORGI" inscribed on the lower right side as an abbreviation for the engraver's signature "Ruelji George." The above list of "Republic of China three years" six characters, the back of the two Jiahe, left and right interaction, under the tie with the cast 'circle' two characters. In the three years of the Republic of China, Yuan Tatou's signature edition was fully coined, with wavy hair, thick curly lines and a strong stereo sense; shoulder stars were raised, and shoulder bands were clear and precise; chest pads and ribbons were three-dimensional and clear; and the back side of Yuan Tattoo was full, with clear and full grain size.

Yuan Datou represents the monetary culture of modern China. Yuan Datou was influenced by the history in the three years of the Republic of China. He was a revolutionary cultural relic with high value. Yuan Ta-tou, who wrote about the earth-shattering history of the Revolution of 1911 in the 1930s, was especially scarce for his good looks, so he was very popular with collectors. Is a coin lovers and collectors continue to seek a treasure. Reflecting the ups and downs and vicissitudes of our country's modern history and economy, it has high artistic ornamental value and cultural relic value. The signature edition of Yuan Taitou in the 1950s is very precious and rare. It is a fine silver coin.









个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。




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