Of Monsters and Men《Dirty Paws》



Everyday music




——《Dirty Paws》

名:《Dirty Paws》

歌者Of Monsters and Men

词曲Stephen Mann, Ragnar Þórhallsson & Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir




[Verse 1]

Jumping up and down the floor

My head, is an animal

And once there was an animal

It had a son that mowed the lawn

The son was an okay guy

They had a pet dragonfly

The dragonfly, it ran away

But it came back with a story to say

[Verse 2]

Her dirty paws and furry coat

She ran down the forest slopes

The forest of talking trees

They used to sing about the birds and the bees

The bees had declared a war

The sky wasn't big enough for them all

The birds, they got help from below

From dirty paws and the creatures of snow


La la la

La la la, la

La la la

La la la, la


[Verse 3]

So for a while, things were cold

They were scared down in their holes

The forest that once was green

Was colored black by those killing machines

But she and her furry friends

Took down the queen bee and her men

And that's how the story goes

The story of the beast with those four dirty paws


La la la

La la la, la

La la la

La la la, la


La la la

La la la, la

La la la

La la la, la

[Non-Lyrical Vocal Outro]



今天分享一首Of Monsters and Men的《Dirty Paws》。

今天来首冰岛另类民谣乐队的歌曲。这首歌来自Of Monsters and Men乐队的首张专辑《My Head Is An Animal》,2011年由冰岛唱片公司Record Records发行。2012年4月,这张专辑由环球音乐集团(Universal Music Group)在全球重新发行,包括新的封面、重新灌录的歌曲版本和不同的曲目列表。其实,首版就已经有了一定的影响,专辑中的《Little Talks》的音乐录影带被提名2012年MTV音乐录影带大奖“最佳艺术指导”奖。并且《Little Talks》的单曲在美国销量也破百万。再版在公告牌200排行榜上名列第六,成为美国历史上冰岛音乐艺术家在排行榜上的最佳表现。2014年1月,这张专辑在美国获得白金认证。2014年1月11日,今天小E推的这首单曲《Dirty Paws》,在公告牌热门摇滚歌曲榜上排名第24位。


Of Monsters and Men是一支冰岛独立民谣/摇滚乐队,于 2010 年在冰岛首都的最大城市雷克雅未克(Reykjavik)成立。成员包括主唱兼吉他手Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir、歌手兼吉他手Ragnar "Raggi" Þórhallsson、主音吉他手Brynjar Leifsson和 markranrnarz和贝斯手Kristján Páll Kristjánsson。乐队在 2010 年赢得了Músíktilraunir,这是冰岛乐队一年一度的比赛。2013 年乐队获得了欧洲边境破坏者奖( European Border Breakers Awards.)。

