学院派的写生印象风格,美国画家丹 · 汤普森(Dan Thompson)人物绘画,有点阴森哈!



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Dan Thompson 出生于弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市,毕业于华盛顿特区的 Corcoran 艺术学院。他获得了纽约艺术学院具象艺术研究生院的艺术硕士学位,并在美国东海岸进行了几年的私人学习和工作室学徒训练,以补充他的训练。

他曾两次获得伊丽莎白格林希尔兹基金会的资助,并两次获得科克伦艺术与设计学院颁发的 Ethel Lorraine Bernstein 杰出绘画纪念奖。2001 年,汤普森在纽约大都会艺术博物馆举办的美国肖像艺术家协会国际肖像比赛中获得最佳展览奖。

2006 年,丹·汤普森 (Dan Thompson) 与他人共同创立了纽约中央艺术学院。2008年,他在纽约共同创立了Janus Collaborative School of Art。

Dan Thompson 还曾在纽约的 Studio 126 进行过私人教学,并且是纽约艺术学院、纽约艺术学生联盟和宾夕法尼亚州费城的 Studio Incamminati 的教员。


自 2002 年以来,汤普森先生展示了肖像画和油画,并担任加拿大肖像协会在多伦多举行的国际肖像会议的陪审员和董事会成员。他还曾在 Dahesh 艺术博物馆讲学,在 Studio Incamminati 的高级肖像工作室和研讨会上担任演讲者,并为美国多家艺术出版物撰写技术和绘画实践方面的文章。

Dan Thompson was born in Alexandria, Virginia, and graduated from the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, DC.  He earned his MFA from the Graduate School of Figurative Art of the New York Academy of Art, and supplemented his training with several additional years of private study and studio apprenticeships along the east coast of the United States.

He has been awarded two grants from the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation and has twice received the Ethel Lorraine Bernstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting from the Corcoran College of Art and Design.  In 2001, Thompson won Best of Show in the American Society of Portrait Artist’s International Portrait Competition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

In 2006 Dan Thompson co-founded the Grand Central Academy of Art in New York. In 2008, he co-founded the Janus Collaborative School of Art in New York. Dan Thompson has also instructed privately at Studio 126 in New York and is on the faculty of the New York Academy of Art, The Art Students League of New York, and Studio Incamminati, in Philadelphia, PA.

He has demonstrated and taught workshops in San Francisco, Seattle, Santa Fe, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Washington, D.C, Virginia, Sarasota, FL, Massachusetts, Oregon, Boston and Colorado.  He has also demonstrated and instructed internationally in Toronto, Canada, Subiaco, Italy, China and in the Provence region of France.

Since 2002 Mr. Thompson has demonstrated portrait drawing and painting and served as a juror and board member for the Portrait Society of Canada’s International Portrait Conference in Toronto. He has also lectured at the Dahesh Museum of Art, served as a speaker at Studio Incamminati’s Advanced Portrait Workshop and Symposium, and written on technique and painting practice for several art publications across the United States.

His work can be found in public and private collections throughout the United States, and in Canada, Europe, and the Middle East.


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