Qiushi Journal | 十八大以来党对发展理念和思路作出及时调整


Timely adjustments to development principles and approach since the 18th National Congress in 2012


Since the 18th National Congress in 2012, our Party has, based on the careful assessment of the economic situation, made timely adjustments to our development principles and approach, which have given rise to historic achievements and shifts in the economic development of our country. Here, I would like to mention the most significant of these developments.

First, we have committed to a people-centered philosophy of development. Second, we have changed the thinking that the GDP growth rate is the sole barometer of success. Third, China’s economy entered a period defined by three overlapping phases. Fourth, China’s economic development entered a new normal. Fifth, we have enabled the market to play the decisive role in resource allocation and given better play to the role of the government. Sixth, we have committed to the idea that lucid waters and lush mountains are as precious as mountains of silver and gold. Seventh, we have introduced the new development philosophy. Eighth, we have initiated supply-side structural reform. Ninth, we must deal with unbalanced and inadequate development. Tenth, we must deliver high-quality development. Eleventh, we must modernize our economic system. Twelfth, we have moved to create a new development dynamic that focuses on domestic economic flow and features positive interplay between domestic flow and international engagement. Thirteenth, we have adopted a coordinated approach to development and security.

(Excerpts from Understanding the New Development Stage, Applying the New Development Philosophy, and Creating a New Development Dynamic, Qiushi Journal, No. 3, 2021)

