MCNPX-Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
来源://标签:Sara Pozzi,CVT,验证,技术,联盟收藏:株野作者:萨拉·A·波兹教授日期:2012/12/01联系人

Prof. Sara A. PozziMTV DirectorNuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciencespozzisa@umich.edu734-615-4970

(a) Neutron-multiplicity distribution for the spontaneous fission of 252Cf and (b) gamma-ray-multiplicity distribution for the spontaneous fission of 252Cf.

(a) Neutron-multiplicity distribution for the spontaneous fission of 240Pu and (b) gamma-ray-multiplicity distribution for the spontaneous fission of 240Pu.

(a) Neutron-multiplicity distribution for the thermal-neutron-induced fission of 235U; emission probability for seven, eight, and nine neutrons is less than 0.003. (b) Gamma-ray-multiplicity distribut...

Neutron energy distributions of 252Cf for various multiplicities; 1e8 252Cf spontaneous-fission events were sampled to generate the energy spectra shown above.

Neutron energy distributions of 240Pu for various multiplicities; 1e8 240Pu spontaneous-fission events were sampled to generate the energy spectra shown above.

Neutron energy distributions for thermal-neutron-induced 235U fission for various multiplicities. It is possible, on rare occasions, to release nine neutrons from a single fission; however, due to ins...Section snippetsModeling of emissions from spontaneous and induced fissionThe Monte Carlo modeling of the neutron and gamma-ray emissions from spontaneous- and induced-fission events introduces many approximations to the complex physical processes that occur during nuclear fission. The modeling requires the knowledge of the number, spectral, directional, and temporal distributions of neutrons and gamma rays of the various nuclides being modeled. Early models of fission did not include the full description of the multiplicity (i.e., the number) distributions ofCode validationThe validation of the microscopic models of spontaneous and induced fission is a complex procedure that requires extensive comparisons of simulations to carefully planned and executed experiments [12], [13]. Many of the quantities mentioned in Section 2 are not directly observable in typical experimental procedures.252Cf is frequently used for code validation because this type of source is readily available and can be used in a university laboratory setting [14]. However, most radioisotopeConclusionsMCNPX-PoliMi can be used to model neutron and gamma emissions of special nuclear materials and various isotopic sources. We have implemented in MCNPX-PoliMi ver. 2.0 new models of neutron and gamma-ray emissions from spontaneous and induced fission for several isotopes of interest. These models include the multiplicity, energy spectrum, and angular distributions of neutrons emitted from spontaneous and induced fission. We have validated these models with experiments using (a) liquidAcknowledgmentsThis research was funded in part by the National Science Foundation and the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office of the Department of Homeland Security through the Academic Research Initiative Award # CMMI 0938909.References (18)A. Enqvist et al.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Section A(2008)T.E. ValentineAnnals of Nuclear Energy(2001)T.E. Valentine et al.Annals of Nuclear Energy(1996)S.A. Pozzi et al.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A(2003)E. Padovani, S.A. Pozzi, S.D. Clarke, E.C. Miller MCNPX-PoliMi User's Manual, C00791 MNYCP, Radiation Safety...J.F. Briesmeister (Ed). MCNP™—A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 4C, LA-13709-M, Los Alamos...M. Marseguerra, E. Padovani,S. A. Pozzi, Simulating the wrong physics can yield correct results, in: Proceedings of the...S. Lemaire et al.Physical Review C(2005)Robert Vandenbosch et al.Nuclear Fission(1973)There are more references available in the full text version of this article.Cited by (101)Event-by-event neutron–photon multiplicity correlations in <sup>252</sup>Cf(sf)2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated EquipmentQuantifying the determinants of leakage multiplication for large uranium objects using Monte Carlo simulations2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated EquipmentCitation Excerpt :Because TNI can theoretically estimate an unknown object’s geometry and total uranium mass, corrections to the point kinetics model could be implemented using TNI measurement information to correct for this assay bias [1,10].Monte Carlo simulations using MCNPX-PoliMi v2.0.0 [11] were used to simulate neutron fission chain propagation in uranium metal under TNI.MCNPX-PoliMi was used due to its improved modeling of correlations between neutron energy and fission multiplicity and convenient output files that track collisions and fission multiplicities.Neutron-neutron angular and energy-angle correlations of plutonium samples with varying α-ratio2019, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated EquipmentMeasured neutron light-output response for trans-stilbene and small-molecule organic glass scintillators2019, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated EquipmentComparative neutron detection efficiency in He-3 proportional counters and liquid scintillators2019, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated EquipmentCitation Excerpt :The shielding modifies the intensity and the energy spectrum of the neutrons that impinge on the radiation detectors.The detectors are simulated using the Monte Carlo code MCNPX-PoliMi [31,32] and post-processing code MPPost [33] to evaluate our ability to simulate these scenarios.Code validation is performed by comparing experimental and simulation results for each of the scenarios.Prompt fission neutron anisotropy in low-multiplying subcritical plutonium metal assemblies2019, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated EquipmentView all citing articles on Scopus