The Croats survived three consecutiveextra-time games — and two penalty shootouts— in the knockout rounds to reach their first final,and they even had the better of the game on Sunday. But bad bounces and abetter opponent made all the difference.
This was the highest-scoring final since1966 and an entertaining climax a wonderful tournament deserved. In 90 :high-octane minutes there was a controversial VARdecision, an own goal, record-breaking feats and a pitch invasion and anunderdog pushing a heavyweight to its limit.
通过此文,让孩子们了解一下足球比赛的常见用语:加时赛(extra-time games)、点球大战(penalty shootouts)、淘汰赛(knockout rounds)、决赛(final)联赛(tournament)、乌龙球(own goal)、破纪录(record-breaking)。当然,此文难度一般适合高一及以上的孩子。但初中的孩子也可以学习,只要将文章的生词稍作替换、重新编写一下即可~~
这场比赛,与冠军失之交臂的克罗地亚队仍旧获得了包括搜雪姐姐在内、很多人的致敬。他们在比赛中奋勇拼搏的表现,很好地诠释了体育竞技精神。更重要的是,在这只队伍中,核心球员多年过30,且大多都经历过战火中动荡的童年。我们由这篇文章的学习,简要地带出克罗地亚曾经经历过的战乱,让孩子们欣赏作曲家Tonci Huljic谱写、Maksim Mrvica弹奏的《克罗地亚狂想曲》。此曲用明快的节奏描述了饱受战火洗礼后克罗地亚灰烬中的残垣、夕阳倒映在血泪和尘埃之中的悲惨画面。
欣赏曲子之后,更进一步地了解战争带给少年们的无助与悲枉。让我们继续学习非洲苏丹战争中,当地少年经历过的苦难,以及其中因为幸运逃生且获得学习机会、从而改变人生的少年的经历。摘取《Lostboy of Sudan》片段:
Ayuen was8 when the war in Sudan drove him and 20,000 other boys to walk 1,000 milesfrom their village to safety. 4 or 5 times they were caught in crossfire wheresome of them were killed. Barefoot, barely clothed, they crossed the border toEthiopia. Therewas no buildings, no homes, no running water at first. Boys had to help choptrees, cut grass to build houses.
IN Kenya,Ayuen entered 4th grade at a school which local Kenyans had builtfor the children. His studiousness would help him selected as one of 4,000 Lostboys to be resettled in the United States. Culture shock made the US differentfrom what they had created in minds. But, Ayuen tried hard to become a citizen,go to college and have a career. A last he became a physician assistant.