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本次文献选自Antony AB, Mazzola AJ, Dhaliwal GS, et al. Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Head and Facial Pain: A Literature Review[J]. Pain Physician, 2019, 22(5):447-477. 本次学习由陈阳住院医师主讲。

In 2013, Schoenen et al reported on a randomized control sham trial on 59 patients with migraine: 30 in treatment group and 29 in sham. They used transcutaneous neurostimulation with self-adhesive electrodes placed over the skin targeting the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves bilaterally for 20 minutes a day for 90 days (compliance was approximately 60% for daily stimulation). Interestingly, both groups reported a decrease in migraine days on average by 20% in the first month. However, at month 3, the decrease in monthly migraine days in the treatment group continued to improve to 29.7%, whereas the initial positive response in the sham group was no longer exhibited. Of note, this trial excluded patients who were using antimigraine treatments in the past 3 months and those who had failed at least 3 preventative drug treatments; these refractory patients are the seemingly helpless patients who surgical implantable stimulation regularly attempts to treat.

In 2012, Vaisman et al reported on a retrospective case series of 5 patients presenting with intractable trigeminal autonomic cephalgia, 4 diagnosed with CH. After implantation of neurostimulation device targeting the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves, patients on average reduced pain from a mean of 8.9 to 1.6 with an average follow-up period of 25 months. Of note, 2 patients required reimplantations (at 1 and 3 years) due to skin erosion with repeat success and 3 patients were completely weaned off of opioids, whereas the other 2 decreased their opioid usage. Supraorbital nerve stimulation, which can cover the supratrochlear region as well with a single lead placement, has positive outcomes in multiple retrospective case series; further research is indicated.

Auriculotemporal Stimulation
The auriculotemporal nerve is another terminal branch of the trigeminal nerve that has been targeted with PNS. Rodriguez-Lopez et al conducted a small prospective case series in 2015 for 6 patients with TMJ syndrome that did not respond to intraarticular local anesthetic or corticoid steroid injections. With PNS of the auriculotemporal nerve (Fig. 4), the group reported an average of 72% pain relief with the majority of patients discontinuing analgesic medications. One case report followed a patient treated with bilateral auriculotemporal nerve stimulators for CM. Pain intensity decreased from 8-9 to 5 at the 16-month follow-up. In addition, migraine disability assessment went from total disability to mild disability as photophobia and pain were better controlled. The auriculotemporal nerve has been used for targeted PNS to treat migraine headache and jaw pain with promising efficacy.
耳颞神经作为三叉神经的另一个末端分支也是PNS的靶点。 Rodriguez-Lopez等人在2015年对6例对关节内局麻药或皮质类固醇激素注射无反应的TMJ综合征患者进行了1项前瞻性病例系列研究。通过对耳颞神经的PNS,该组的平均疼痛缓解率为72%,大多数患者停止使用止痛药。一位接受双侧耳颞神经刺激器治疗CM的患者在16个月的随访中疼痛强度从8-9降至5。此外,由于可以更好地控制畏光和疼痛,偏头痛的失能评估从完全失能变为轻度失能。耳颞神经已作为PNS的靶点有效的治疗偏头痛和下颌痛。