检查数量 |
零缺陷报告 |
滞留艘次 |
滞留率 |
2020 |
1720 |
893 |
42 |
2.44% |
2019 |
2121 |
838 |
67 |
3.16% |
澳大利亚 |
加拿大 |
智利 |
中国 |
印尼 |
日本 |
韩国 |
马来西亚 |
俄罗斯 |
越南 |
2020年12月 |
12 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
9 |
8 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2019年12月 |
11 |
0 |
1 |
32 |
11 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
1. excessive oil was presented throughout the engine room and bilge constituting a serious fire hazard( 整个机舱和舱底遍布油污,构成严重的火灾危险。)
公约依据:S74/cii-2/r4 ,在psc检查中,船上清洁状况差可以作为开展详细检查的依据,若发现舱底油污聚集较多将直接导致船舶被滞留
2. oil content meter of oil filteringequipment out of order (滤油设备的油分计故障。)
3. the height of fwd. mast head light from upp.deck - not complied with the requirements of colreg(前桅灯离上甲板的高度不符合避碰规则要求。)
公约原文:colreg/annex i 2:对长度为20米或20米以上的机动船,如船宽大于12米,则前桅灯在船体以上高度至少为12米,如船宽小于12米,前桅灯在船体以上高度不小于船宽且最小不小于6米。
4. rescue boat not properly maintained(救生艇缺少维护保养)
5. record evaluation of crew performance(drill) not well maintained (master deny to conduct drill) not well(演习记录不完善,船长拒绝开展演习,该psco英语表述较差)
6. seafarers employment agreement (sea) expired(船员就业协议过期)
7. generators system malfunctioned-abnormal alarm happend; no1 ppu abno, b disc, bus volt abno, bus fire abnono2 g para failedno3 g3 common failure eg emer mode, esb bus live. (发电机控制系统故障,各种报警)
8. engine room opening hatch not weather tighted(机舱天窗不能保证风雨密)
8. oil content meter of oil filtering equipment out of order(油水分离器油份计故障)
9. jacketed high pressure lines for main engine not installed properly(主机没有安装高压油管保护装置)
10. garbage record book is not available on board(垃圾记录薄不在船)
11. fire door entrance to e/r (a-60), damage / broken(机舱进入A60防火门被破坏)
12. ships personel not familliar with disposal/ discharge requerements of garbage managemen plan, some crew disposal garbage in anchorage area port of cilacap(船员不掌握垃圾管理计划的内容,一些船员在芝拉扎锚地扔垃圾)
13. master not familliar with isps code, ssp and do not implementation abaut training drill and exercise(船长不熟悉保安规则和本船的保安计划,没有开展保安演习)
14. weathertight doors for steering room and weathertight doors rescue boat deck defective(舵机间的风雨密门和救生艇甲板的风雨密门故障)
15. ship main boiler - flame eye sensor out of order(这个本意是锅炉flame failure报警故障,但是psco专业度不够,首先船上没有主锅炉,再者什么是flame eye sensor?这个psco实在是外行……)
16. incinerator 1. the system completely out of order 2. ship crew not familiar with hot to operate incinerator completely(焚烧炉首先是操作系统故障,接着是船员不会操作)
17. co2 piping for no.1, no.2 and no.3 c/h - had a lot of holes due to corrosion(co2管路洞穿)
18. at the time of inspection, ows observed squirting water from the ows casing. chief engineer declared safety valve is inoperational. (油水分离器运行过程中,有水喷出,轮机长解释说油水分离器安全阀故障)
19. emergency quick closing valves for f.o and d.o tanks in engine room 1 valves(2pcs for fo and do) stuck2. valve(1pc, do) fixed(hooked) open by steel wire(机舱内,一个速闭阀被卡主,一个速闭阀被钩子挂住保持在常开位置)