考研:(50) In dealingwith a challenge on such a scale, itis no exaggeration to say “Unity we stand, divided we fall” -and if I had tochoose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.”

四级:Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice their time, hobbiesand interest to create a more favorable condition for their kids.
六级:This isa good deed worth the compliment. Next time when you are in a store, you maywant to check out where the product is made, and it is quite likely that theproduct is made in China.
考研:句子分段:In dealing with achallenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say || “Unity we stand,divided we fall” –and || if I had to choose a slogan || it would be “Unity inour diversity.”
词的处理:deal with 应对;scale 规模;slogan 口号