
1. Henry Ford Admirer

1. 亨利福特的脑残粉

Hitler was a grand admirer of Henry Ford. So much so that he mentioned Ford in his speeches quite frequently. He even sent him birthday presents regularly.


2. May 1, 1945

2. 1945.05.01

This is the exact date that Hitler was announced dead to the world. Oddly enough, Osama Bin Laden was announced dead approximately 66 years later.


3. Plans for Moscow

3. 对莫斯科的计划

Hitler’s plans were always a bit eccentric and strange but the one at the top of the list is what he wanted to do with the city of Moscow. Hitler wanted to kill all the residents and replace the buildings and homes with a lake.


4. Do you love me?

4. 你是否中意我?

An egomaniac personality could definitely be attributed to one of Hitler’s many “quirks“. His ego was so large that he believed women found him extremely attractive. This belief led him to frequently lie about his relationship status.


5. Erwin Rommel

5. 埃尔温·隆美尔

Not every German fully believed in their Fuhrer. Rommel is among the few military personnel that deliberately disobeyed Hitler’s orders to enact Jewish genocide.


6. Dreams of an Architect

6. 梦想成为建筑师

In his youth, Hitler aspired to be an architect. His dream was cut short when he failed the entrance exam to the architectural school in Vienna. 20/20 hindsight shows us that someone should have probably helped him study a bit more.


7. Meth Addiction

7. 冰毒上瘾

From 1942 until his death in 1945, Hitler had a substance abuse problem and his drug of choice was crystal meth. His Nazi soldiers shared his addiction as well.


8. 1936 Olympic Games

8. 1936年奥林匹克运动

Despite his despicable actions, Hitler was somewhat revered by the German population. There ws a good chunk of the population that heavily admired and respected him. The winners of the 1936 Olympics in Berlin were personally awarded an oak tree by Hitler.


9. Nobel Peace Prize

9. 诺贝尔和平奖

Weirdly enough, Adolf Hitler has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Although, the member of Swedish Parliament, E.G.C. Brandt, responsible for the nomination never intended for it to be taken seriously.

诡异的是,阿道夫希特勒曾被提名诺贝尔和平奖。尽管对此次提名负责的瑞典议会成员E.G.C. Brandt并没有把这当真的打算。(原因是当时的瑞典议会议员提名了一个妥协派,坚定的纳粹反对者 E.G.C. Brandt 非常恼火,希特勒野心路人皆知,你们居然还提名一个妥协派?为了表示讽刺,他提名希特勒为候选人。显然没有人看出来他是在讽刺,希特勒成为了正式候选人之一,于是他只好赶紧发函撤回提名。但结果希特勒还是在诺奖数据库里留名了……)

10. He’s Just Like Us


When someone does something as evil as Hitler did, it’s easy to write them off as less than a person. So this last fact might come as a surprise to people since they might actually have something in common with this evil man. Hitler had an unnatural fear of the dentist, yet he loved to eat sweets.


