2.Real friends, they enjoy the time of discussion.真正的朋友,他们乐于和你讨论。Toxic friends, they insist on winning over.有毒的朋友,他们只关心自己能否在争论中胜出。
3. Real friends, they call you simply because they miss you.真正的朋友,他们会经常因为思念而联系你。Toxic friends, they only find you when they need your help.有毒的朋友,他们只会在需要帮助时才会来找你。
4. Real friends, they accept the way you are.真正的朋友,他们会接受真实的你。Toxic friends, they try to control you and change you.有毒的朋友,他们总在试着掌控你并且改变你。 5. Real friends, they know the importance of alone time.真正的朋友,他们懂得独处的重要性。Toxic friends, they try to take up a lot of your time.有毒的朋友,他们试图占用你的大部分时间。
6. Real friends, they eagerly suggest how to celebrate your success.真正的朋友,他们会热情地庆祝你的每一次成功。Toxic friends, they get jealous of your achievement.有毒的朋友,他们只会嫉妒你的成就。7. Real friends, they know everyone has different types of friends and won’t judge.真正的朋友,他们明白每个人都拥有不同类型的朋友,无可非议。Toxic friends, they don’t like your other friends.有毒的朋友,他们不喜欢你的其他朋友。