在满披朝霞的年龄,我曾经深入人间 | 汉诗英译
偈 梁晓明
A Soliloquy
by Liang Xiaoming
In the springtime of life, I dived into the world of men.
I dived into many sensual and risky places.
At twenty, I dived into soldiery and politics,
I dived into the game of power with a glass of wine.
Now I am out of it, dusty,
ears covered with rust and nicks.
Now I sit, without a voice.
The springtime of life reconvenes
at the ferry crossing where I first crossed into the deep water.
Translated by Duck Yard Lyricists
Duck Yard Lyriists 翻译
“汉诗英译”同步更新于美国 “21st Century Chinese Poetry” 网站
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