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08:38 Main Entrance for GA bag self-service
Friday 6 April
Conference sessions
Workshop 5 KS4–P16
Independent investigation in the new A level specifications
Elizabeth Rynne, Chair, GA Assessment and Examinations Special Interest Group
HM experience:
Arrived at 08:44, around 5 person inside include the presenter, then full of geography teachers around 9am around 50; my table is with one middle aged female geography teacher who teach IB in Singapore, one 30s male geography teacher near Birmingham, and the other two 20s female teachers who are friends)
Feeling not quite involved. The three English teacher, nor us two Asians took turns to introduce each others’ background, just asked us two Asian faces: “where are you from?” (no further questions). And the three were talking and joking among them three, and not discussing the group task being told to finish. I decided to speak up by asking questions to the IB teacher about what is like to conduct and independent investigation in IB (since we all know IB requires more than A Level). The other three also engaged in our discussion, mainly the male next to the IB teacher( I sat in between with the two female teacher; we were sitting in a square). BUT I do feel the male was trying to dominate the conversation and the other two were not very passionate, at least not very keen on discussion.
I will give it a two star (2/5)
Presidential Lecture
Geography – a subject for life
Nick Lapthorn, GA President 2017–18
HM experience:
Inspiring, stimulating and hilarious
Several activities to engage the audience in the lecture, and these activities does serve for the key points he wants to make
I will give it a four star (4/5)
Exhibition tour
1.AQA Geography
2.British Red Cross
3.Earth Science Teacher Association
4.University of Sheffield
5.University of Derby
I will give it a four star (4/5)
Lecture: A level geography: preparing for success in summer 2018
Emma Rowe, AQA Geography Associate
HM experience:
It has leaflets and many detailed information of activities and exam strategies. It is of course exam oriented, focusing on clarity of AQA specification, but it is way beyond memorising. But the tone is too flat and make me sleepy. These activities are so fun but the way she present it is not impressive enough.
I will give it a three star (3/5)
Teacher-to-Teacher: Preparing KS3 and KS4 students for the new GCSE
Jennifer Monk, Head of Geography, Golborne High School, Wigan
HM experience:
This is one teacher sharing her experiences for 20 minutes and also branding for her tweet and @geogchat.
It is not throwing everything GCSE into the “wasted years” but to gradually plan it. The most helpful part is she reminded us of “practice makes perfect” by using a footballer’s perfect response in the fields_we geography teachers need teamwork with students. The social media thing also enriched the possible networked learning.
I will give it a three star (3/5)
Celebratory reception
A chance to have informal conversations with colleagues, put names to faces, celebrate the 125th anniversary of the GA and get involved with our work
HM experience:
I thought I was late but luckily not, just in time to grab a drink and some crisps before the new president’s welcome.
After one glass of red wine, I cheered myself us to talk to Professor Simon Catling, who is expert in primary education and textbook development. We had a 10-20min talk. It is not that difficult, thanks to the wine.
I will give it a four star (4/5)
Lecture: Methods for qualitative research
Professor Richard Phillips, Professor in Human Geography, University of Sheffield
Four human geographers in the University of Sheffield took turns to share their research in practices to shed light on teachers to carry out qualitative research with the students. I think it is more like systematic geographical inquiry.
Workshop: Reflections on the first A level cycle – how’s it gone?
Daniel Cowling, Deputy Headteacher, Vyners School, London
Experiencing it now
What Comes Next:
Geography live: bringing the real world in
Grant Robinson, Geography NQT
Research Paper (16.30–16.55)
Developing a knowledge-led geography curriculum
Dr Alexander Standish, Senior Lecturer in Geography Education, UCL Institute of Education, London, and Richard Maurice, Geography Subject Lead, Harris Academy, London
Research Paper (16.55–17.20)
Real-world geography: an opportunity to reconsider the place of young people’s geographies in geography education
Lauren Hammond, Lecturer in Geography Education, UCL Institute of Education, London
Workshop: High-quality initial teacher education
Dr Charles Rawding, Chair, GA Teacher Education Special Interest Group
截止时间:2018.04.09 00:00