医学注定是个不归路,自从学了医,终于知道什么叫学无止境。大学本来就比别人多读一年,好不容易毕业,还找不到合适工作。只能一路考研、考博... ...

1.What’s bothering you? =what seems to be bothering you?你哪里不舒服?
2.What sort of symptoms do you have?你有什么症状?
3.Have you ever done any examination? What was the diagnosis?你之前做过什么检
4.Are you feeling nauseous? 你感到恶心吗?nauseous:UK /ˈnɔː. zi.əs / /ˈnɔːʒəs / US /ˈnɑː. ʃəs /
5.Have you vomited? 你呕吐了吗?
6.Do you feel like sleeping in the daytime? 你白天想要睡觉吗?
7.Are you having sips of water?你喝水了吗?(术前少量)
8.How about your bowel movement? 大便怎么样?
9.Do you notice the color of your stool?你有观察大便的颜色吗?
10. Can you give me a description about the character of the pain?你能形容一下疼痛
11. Let me examine you.让我来给你做个检查
12.What sort of pain is it?是一种怎么样的疼痛?
13.If you rub or massage it, does it help?如果手揉几下或者按摩,疼痛会减轻吗?
14.Does the pain move about? 疼痛部位是否转移?
15.Is the pain constant, or does it come and go?是持续的疼痛还是偶尔的疼痛?
16.How have you been emotionally recently?最近情绪怎么样?(注意与 emotional 的
17. How’s your appetite been?你胃口如何最近?
18. Has he ever had any traumatic experiences, anything to badly frighten him?(孩
19. Show me the spot that‘s the most painful.给我看一下最痛的部位。
20.Let me take your blood pressure.让我来给你测一下血压。
21. Hop on here on the examination table and slip off your shirt.跳上检查台,脱掉 T
22. We will see you for your physical in six months.六个月之内/以后我们会给你做一个
23. Your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the
symptoms of influenza.你的喉咙发炎,你的舌苔很厚,你拥有所有流感的症状。
24. We are still going to do a few blood test just to rule a few things out.我们还要继
25. Your test result came this morning.你的检查结果今早出来了。
26. The biopsy shows the tumor is benign ,which means it is not cancerous.你的切
27. According to your case history, I think you are suffering from gastric ulcer. I
suggest you have a gastroscopy. 根据你的病例,我想你患了胃溃疡,我建议你做一个胃
28. I am thinking more along the line of food allergy.我更倾向于认为是食物过敏。
29.After operation, you are going to stay off your feet for at least 3 weeks.术后,你
30.I think you begin to pick up as the day goes on, and we will give you something
to ease the discomfort. 随着时间的推移,你会逐渐好转,我们会给你一些东西(药物)
31. The sooner we have you on the move, the quicker you start to heal.你越快起来走
32. As for your food, you should keep to the low-salt diet, and eat more vegetables
and fruits and less meat. Besides, you need to have a good rest and avoid tension
or stress.
关于饮食方面,你应该坚持低盐的饮食,多吃蔬菜水果,少吃肉。除此之外,你还需要多休 息,
33. I will stop in to see you tomorrow.我明天再来看你。
34. Have you got a heart disease or a kidney problem?你有心脏疾病或者肾病吗?
35. How long have you had these symptoms?出现这些症状多长时间了?
36. You will have to have a minor operation. 你需要做一个小手术。
37. I ’ d like you to take a blood urea nitrogen test, urinalysis, chest X-ray and
electrodiagram examination. 我希望你做一下血尿素氮,尿常规检查,做个胸透,再做
38. Can you be more specific? 你能描述地更确切一点吗?
39. Have your stools been loose? 大便稀吗?
40. Do you ever have a fluttering sensation in the chest or palpitations?平时有没有