
This morning,I arrived at my office earlier to catch up on some emails.On the way to _____,I couldn’t __________ it when I saw some beautiful flowers at the grocery store.I picked some up,__________a few chocolate bars.
With the office so empty,I decided to take the __________to put the chocolate bars on some desks.I started heading towards areas __________ no one had come yet.
I __________ one and a smile card on the CEO’s desk.And then I went to his __________ desk and placed one there,and quickly put a third one on the desk of a quiet gentleman.Later,I entered the kitchen, __________ two cups of water and walked into the __________.I took out the flowers from my bag and __________ them in two bunches,one in each cup.
With a little sigh of  __________,I stepped out of the rest room and looked around.The office was still __________ empty and the people closest to me were __________with a Monday morning “How was your weekend?”__________.I  __________ and went back to my desk.
It struck me that my housemate who had packed my lunch for me so __________ today snuck(偷偷地给) a chocolate bar in there,so I __________ place it on the desk of our receptionist to complete the circle as I headed out of the office this evening.Our receptionist is always the first person in the office,and she always __________ me with a smile when I come in.Maybe tomorrow morning,this __________ can greet her.
I have no __________ how they feel when receiving the gifts,but they will surely smile!
【小题1】A.workB.jobC.company D.business【小题2】A.stop B.helpC.get D.afford【小题3】A.regardless of B.along withC.except for D.instead of【小题4】A.adventure B.authorityC.possibility D.opportunity【小题5】A.when B.becauseC.though D.where【小题6】A.choseB.placedC.delivered D.carried【小题7】A.wife’s B.manager’sC.assistant’sD.director’s【小题8】A.discovered B.orderedC.filled D.emptied【小题9】A.rest room B.meeting roomC.smoking area D.office room【小题10】A.applied B.adjustedC.arrangedD.attached【小题11】A.regret B.concernC.reliefD.excitement【小题12】A.especiallyB.thoroughlyC.totally D.pretty【小题13】A.concerned B.accustomedC.limited D.occupied【小题14】A.conversation B.congratulationC.consideration D.condition【小题15】A.amazed B.smiledC.delighted D.celebrated【小题16】A.sweetlyB.obviouslyC.wildlyD.fortunately【小题17】A.needB.couldC.mustD.dare【小题18】A.wavesB.nodsC.greets D.meets【小题19】A.giftB.performanceC.flowerD.method【小题20】A.opinionB.pointC.view D.idea

