
瓶装食品图文英语词汇—食物Food系列之瓶装食品 (bottled foods)

Hello! 我今天分享的是瓶装食品 (bottled foods)图片词汇40个。下期将分享乳制品 dairy produce 相关的英语词汇。Please stay tuned! [玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]

瓶装食品 bottled foods

图一[微风]油 oils
葵花籽油 sunflower oil
核桃油 walnut oil
葡萄籽油 grapeseed oil
杏仁油 almond oil
榛仁油 hazelnut oil
橄榄油 olive oil
香草 herbs [hɜːbz] [ɜːbz] (两种读音都可以)
香油 flavoured oil
芝麻油 sesame seed
软木塞 cork

花生油 groundnut oil
冷榨油 cold-pressed oil
植物油 vegetable oil
玉米油 corn oil
菜籽油 rapeseed oil

图三[微风] 调味品 condiments and spreads
瓶 bottle
苹果醋 cider vinegar
香脂醋 balsamic vinegar [bɔːlˌsæmɪk ˈvɪnɪɡə(r)]
英式芥末酱 English mustard
蛋黄酱 mayonnaise [ˌmeɪəˈneɪz]
番茄酱 ketchup [ˈketʃəp] (Ketchup comes from the Hokkien Chinese word, "ketchup"是来自福建方言的)
法式芥末酱 French mustard
麦芽醋 malt vinegar
酒醋 wine vinegar
酸辣酱 chutney [ˈtʃʌtni]
调味汁 sauce
颗粒芥末酱 wholegrain mustard
醋 vinegar

密封瓶 sealed jar
罐装水果 preserved fruit
花生酱 peanut butter
巧克力酱 chocolate spread

图五[微风]甜酱 sweet spreads
蜜脾 honeycomb
固体蜂蜜 set honey
柠檬酱 lemon curd
覆盆子酱 raspberry jam
橘子酱 marmalade [ˈmɑːməleɪd]
液体蜂蜜 clear honey
枫糖浆 maple syrup
广口瓶 jar

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