Abbreviations of O—Z!

OAS Obstacle assessment surface 障碍物评价面

OBS Observe or observed or observation 观察,遵守

OBSC Obscure or obscured or obscuring 遮蔽,模糊的

OCNL Occasional or occasionally 偶然

OHD Overhead 从上空飞过,架空

OIS Obstacle identification surface 障碍物鉴别面

O/R On request 应请求,根据要求

OTP On top 云上

PANS Procedures for air navigation services 空中航行服务程序

PBC Performance-based communication 基于性能的通信

PBN Performance-based navigation 基于性能的导航

PBS Performance-based surveillance 基于性能的监视

PCD Proceed or proceeding 前进,继续前进,进行

PCT Per cent 百分比,百分率

PDC Pre-departure clearance 起飞前放行

PDG Procedure design gradient 程序设计梯度

PJE Parachute jumping exercise 跳伞演习

PL Ice pellets 冰粒

PLA Practice low approach 实施低空进近

PN Prior notice required 需事先通知

PO Dust/sand whirls (dust devils) 尘/沙卷风(尘暴)

POB Persons on board 机上人员

PPR Prior permission required 需事先得到许可

PPSN Present position 现在位置

PROP Propeller 螺旋桨,推进器

PROV Provisional 临时

PSG Passing 飞过,通过

PSN Position 位置


Do you intend to ask me for a series of bearings? or I intend to ask you for a series of bearings

(to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q Code)



What is my distance to your station? or Your distance to my station is (distance figures and

units) (to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q Code)




Shall I run my test tape/a test sentence? or Run your test tape/a test sentence (to be used in

AFS as a Q Code)




Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground



Will you relay to . . . free of charge? or I will relay to . . . free of charge (to be used in AFS as a Q




Shall I cancel telegram number . . .? or Cancel telegram number . . . (to be used in AFS as a

Q Code)



Will you give me the position of my station according to the bearings taken by the D/F

stations which you control? or The position of your station according to the bearings taken

by the D/F stations that I control was . . .latitude . . . longitude (or other indication of

position), class . . . at . . . hours (to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q Code)



Will you indicate the TRUE track to reach you? orThe TRUE track to reach me is . . . degrees

at . . . hours (to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q Code)



Magnetic heading (zero wind) 磁航向(无风)


Magnetic bearing 磁方位


True bearing 真方位

RAG Ragged 高低不平的,不规则的(云底),破碎

RCF Radiocommunication failure (message type designator)无线电通信失败(电报种类代号)

RDL Radial 径向方位

RDO Radio 无线电

RDOACT Radioactive 放射性的

RE Recent (used to qualify weather phenomena, e.g. RERA = recent rain)最近(用于说明天气现象,例如:RERA=最近下雨)

REF Reference to . . .or refer to . . . 参阅……

REG Registration 注册,登记

RERTE Re-route 改航,改变航线

RHC Right-hand circuit 右起落航线

RIF Reclearance in flight 飞行中重新许可

ROC Rate of climb 爬升率

ROD Rate of descent 下降率

RON Receiving only 只供收信,只接收

RLNA Requested level not available 申请的飞行高度层不可用

RPLC Replace or replaced 代替,替换

RSCD Runway surface condition 跑道道面情况

RTS Return to service 恢复工作

SD Standard deviation 标准偏差

SDF Step down fix 梯级下降定位点

SKED Schedule or scheduled 班期表,定期

SRY Secondary 二次的,备用的,辅助的

SR Sunrise 日出

SS Sunset 日没

STNR Stationary 静止的,稳定的

SUBJ Subject to 遭受,须经,以……为条件

TA Traffic advisory 交通咨询

TGL Touch-and-go landing 连续起落

THRU Through 通过

TRANS Transmits or transmitter 发射,发射机

TROP Tropopause 对流层顶

UA Unmanned aircraft 无人驾驶航空器

UFN Until further notice 至进一步通知

UNL Unlimited 无限

UNREL Unreliable 不可靠

VCY Vicinity 附近,邻近

VPA Vertical path angle 垂直航径角

VPT Visual manoeuvre with prescribed track 按规定航迹目视机动

WEF With effect from or effective from 自……起生效

WI Within 在……内

WIE With immediate effect or effective immediately 立即生效

WIP Work in progress 工程在进行中,施工

WKN Weaken or weakening 减弱

WO Without 没有

XNG Crossing 穿越

