
Matthew Barney was born in San Francisco in 1967; at age six, he moved to Idaho with his family. After his parents divorced, Barney continued to live with his father in Idaho, playing football on his high school team.He has created body-centric works that explore the transcendence of physical restraints: a sort of aesthetic athleticism or athletic aestheticism, that uses athletic means for aesthetic ends.



▲ 马修·巴尼 - 悬丝(Cremaster) 1


©Matthew Barney – Cremaster Cycle

In that series, I have been trying to establish a way to prevent the act of painting, or to make the painting form a system under constraints. The system starts where there is a sexual difference, called a "position", where the active and passive innate structures that control movement can be called "conditions", and finally "production" is the output through the connection of two outlets to form a circulatory system.

▲ 马修·巴尼 - 悬丝(Cremaster) 2

©Matthew Barney – from his Cremaster Cycle 1

At my sister's wedding, the partner I grew up with, a doctor, sat next to me, and I talked to him about my idea of a "system," and he said it was best to look at the testicles. Let the story play out in a sexual system where the suspension seems to control everything, but it's not...

▲ 马修·巴尼 - 悬丝(Cremaster) 3


©Matthew Barney – Cremaster Cycle

"Suspension wire" of the English word of "Cremaster" is borrowed from the biological anatomy terms, refers to the male Cremaster muscle, is a some fine powder at the bottom of the internal oblique muscle fibers, encircled the spermatic cord and testicles, it is able to according to the environmental temperature change, control testes in the scrotum lifting or contraction of muscles, but it is not subject to the will. In fact, this characteristic of the levator testis muscle has shown the inner relationship between the works and the series of painting constraints.

©Matthew Barney – Cremaster Cycle



百无禁忌|No Restraint
悬丝 Cremaster

