海口市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (89)

40.1.11 C- Are the test operations carried out in the order defined in the procedure?YES/NO

40.1.12 C- Is there evidence that test configuration has been setup according to the part number revision?YES/NO

40.1.13 C- Is there evidence that work instructions are always used at the work stations?YES/NO

40.1.14 C- Is there evidence that methodology for validation of test (repeatability, capability, coverage, mechanical, and electrical damage) is being performed as per procedure?YES/NO

40.1.15 C- Is there evidence the product is identified as required by the procedure?YES/NO

40.1.16 C- When a failed product is found, is it segregated and identified as required by the procedure?YES/NO

40.1.17 C- Is there a closed loop improvement based on failure analysis?YES/NO

40.1.18 C- Is there evidence of test results and /or test measurements recorded

as required by the procedure?YES/NO

40.1.19 C- Is there evidence of assembly acceptance (e.g. stamp, product identification tag)?YES/NO

40.1.20 C- Is the product packaged and handled as required by the procedure?YES/NO

40.1.21 C- If ESD sensitive equipment is tested, is there evidence of operator training on ESD?YES/NO/NA

