Bilingual Mathematics Teaching(4)Circles and Sectors

Words and Expressions

53 circle
54 圆心 the center of a circle
55 半径 radius
56 直径 diameter
57 圆周长 circumference of a circle
58 圆周率 circumference ratio
59 arc
60 圆心角 central angle
61 圆周角 angle at the circumference
62 圆规 compass
63 圆的面积 area of circle
64 扇形 sector
65 扇形统计图 sector diagram
66 圆环 circular ring


1、The circumference ratio is an infinite non-repeating decimal. It approximately equals 3.14.


2、The area of the circular ring is the difference of the areas of the inner circle and the outer circle.


3、When the radius is fixed,the area of the sector increases when its central angle increases.


4、In a sector diagram, the circle means the whole and the sectors mean different parts in the whole. The size of the sector shows its percentage in the whole.


5、The size of plane covered by a circle is the area of the circle.


