

加州大学(伯克利)物理系教授Richard Muller 在自己的身上做了实验,并发表了一篇关于如何减肥的学术文章。由于文章的影响太大,他只好改写成了非物理学家也能读懂的科普文章。
结论是:別锻炼,別吃午飯。文中妙语连珠。I no longer walk down the street; I float down the street. 他说他在街上走的时候,哪里是走?分明是在飘!
What is the best way to reduce belly fat and flatten your stomach?

Richard Muller, Prof Physics, UC Berkeley, author 'Now, The Physics of Time'
Answered March 4, 2017 · Featured on HuffPost, Forbes and The Independent · Author has 2.4kanswers and 182.8m answer views
Originally Answered: What is the best way to reduce belly fat and overall weight?
Eat less. There’s no real alternative.

Most dieters are so concerned about second-order effects, such as daily fluctuations in weight and changes in metabolism, that they lose track of the first law of thermodynamics: c

