首日票房仅126美元!昔日双料影帝Kevin Spacey新片彻底凉了

背景音乐:Boyce Avenue - Fast Car


Kevin Spacey 参演的新片

"Billionaire Boys Club" 上周五上映,

受到 Spacey 性侵丑闻影响


首日票房仅 126 美元。。

The Independent:

Kevin Spacey’s first movie since multiple people came forward with sexual assault allegations against the actor made just $126 (£98) at the box office on its opening day.


If you’re reading this, you probably didn’t go see Kevin Spacey’s new movie, Billionaire Boys Club, at the theater this weekend.

How do we know this? Well, according to the Hollywood Reporter, the film made $126 when it opened across 10 theaters in the US on Aug. 17. One hundred and twenty six. Dollars. In other words, the film grossed about $12 per theater. That’s roughly the price of one movie ticket in the US nowadays. So, in total, approximately 10 actual human beings paid to see Billionaire Boys Club in a movie theater when it came out on Friday. We’re guessing you weren’t one of them.


Daily Mail:

Kevin Spacey's new movie Billionaire Boys Club raked in a shockingly low $126 at the box office on its opening night.

The indie film marked the disgraced former House of Cards lead's return to the screen after being accused of sexual assault by more than a dozen men.

The Guardian:

Kevin Spacey’s latest film has tanked at the box office after taking in a record-breaking low of just $126 (£98) on its opening night in US cinemas.

Billionaire Boys Club was the last film the actor made before sexual assault allegations dating back more than 30 years began to surface against him last October.

sexual assault 性侵犯;性攻击

allegation 指控;指称

open 首映

gross 获得…票房

approximately 大约

come out (电影)首映;上映

rake in 敛财;大量取得

disgraced 遭人唾弃的;无光彩的

lead 主演

tank 表现糟糕

surface 浮出水面;为人所知

