雅思口语| ‘乐观’只会positive吗?看看8分同学怎么说!

through rose-tinted glasses 非常乐观 (看世界好像都是粉色的哦,多乐观呀)

Lucy lives her life through rose-tinted glasses.  露西非常乐观地生活。

give someone the green light  批准;允许

The board of directors gave the CEO the green light to lay off half his staff, even the ones wearing rose-tinted glasses.公司董事会的成员同意CEO裁员一半,即便是那些比较乐观的人。

The government has decided to give the green light to the plan. 政府已决定为这项计划开绿灯。

with flying colours 非常非常成功

He went to a job interview, he passed with flying colours.He got offered the job. 他去了一个面试,表现得非常成功。他得到了那份工作。

We must have this work finished with flying colours by Monday. 我们一定要在星期一以前出色地完成这项工作。

Ignoring fatigue, they kept at the job and finished it three weeks quicker than planned withflying colours. 他们不顾疲劳坚持工作,比计划提前三个星期出色地完成了任务。

be tickled pink  非常开心

Tom's grandfather was tickled pink when he found out that Tom and his wife were pregnant.    Tom的爷爷发现Tom的妻子怀孕了非常开心。

paint the town red  v. 狂欢;胡闹

May Day is coming. I am going to paint the town red. 五一节快到了,我打算痛愉快快地玩个开心。

see things in black and white 非常直率,为人简单

Sharon just sees things in black and white, although she's already 27. 虾仁都已经27了,但是看事情都没有中间地带,想得太简单了。

