雅思口语 和颜色相关的7+短语
1 be red -faced =blushing =embarrassed 尴尬的adj.
The boy would presumably be red-faced when he saw his dream girl. 当见到他女神的时候,这男生大概会尴尬脸红的。
2 be black and blue =bruised 淤青的adj.
Oh, I'm black and blue all over and covered in bruises. 噢,我全身到处都是淤青。
3 a black sheep =a person that doesn't fit in very well 不合群的人
She's the back sheep in the family. 他和家人不合群,显得很奇怪。
4 be green with envy =jealous 嫉妒的adj.
The girl was green with envy because her sister was way more attractive in the party. 在派对上这女孩的姐姐比她漂亮多了,她很嫉妒。
5 be blue=be depressed /sad 沮丧的adj.
I felt blue when I flunked in IELTS last time. 上次我雅思没考过的时候很沮丧。
6 be tickled pink =find something funny 高兴极了 (tickle是挠痒痒的意思,你看人家要是挠你痒痒你不会笑吗?脸上还是粉粉的那种。)
I was tickled pink when I was listening to his story. 我在听他故事的时候高兴极了。
7 be/look white as a ghost =look pale or shocked 吓坏了
I looked white as a ghost when I took a glimpse of the picture. 我一看到这张照片的时候吓坏了。
8 be green-fingered =be good with plants 擅长种花草的adj.
I do look up to my grandpa, because he is quite green-fingered. 我真的很佩服我的爷爷,因为他擅长种花草。
9 be off colour =not feel very well 觉得不舒服的adj.
Well, actually, I really wanna ask for leave, primarily because I'm off colour. 事实上我真想请假,因为觉得很不舒服。
10 be in the dark =be uninformed 不清楚的adj.
My parents are still in the dark about the result of my IELTS test. 我的父母现在还不清楚我的雅思考试成绩。
11 show your true colours 展现真实的自己
I always show my true colours in front of my siblings. 我总是在我的兄弟姐妹面前展现真实的自己,不需要隐藏什么。