湖南译界名家 || 陈逵:发表在 《威斯康辛文学杂志》(The Wisconsin Literary Magazine)作品汇总

The Wisconsin Literary
本节内容均选自《陈逵中英诗文选》,张墨,南开大学出版社,1995年6月第一版,第9-11页,16-17页,174-177页。以下所选四篇诗文皆为陈逵发表在 The Wisconsin Literary Magazine 的英诗和汉诗文英译。

Duckweed and Water
Duckweed haply meets Water.
They live together,
Every evening and morning
Each is the Heart's Man of the other.
They see the glory of the red clouds;
They wake to the song of birds and the whisperings of leaves and grasses.
In the gentle balmy air Duckweed dances,
And Water smiles, playfully, in rills and runlets.
Tenth moon, the cold winds blowing...
Duckweed must return home.
“I wish us both health!" says the one;
“May each think of the other, always!" replies the other.
The weight of love can be fully felt only in separation...
Love can be proved only in separation...
In two places both are thinking, constantly thinking,
But each gazes at the sky only from a different corner...
In dream each seeks for the other,
In dream they meet.
"Next year we shall again meet,”says Water.
“But next year, who may know my place?”sighs Duckweed.
--The Wisconsin Literary Magazine, Nov. 1927

Last night I swore:
Be I a dag,
If I go to her today again!
But, today
I went again.
I made up my mind to avoid her for ever,
But my feet, disregarding my will,
Walk toward her place.
(May Heaven forgive them!)
--The Wisconsin Literary Magazine, Dec. 1927

Response to ...
Thank you, my Older School Sister!
I am not such a coward
That I am afraid of being misunderstood.
Kwei Chen needs not to live in a stranger land to be misunderstood.
I appreciate the few who understand me,
Yet I fear not the majority who do not.
Yes, I enjoy my solitude.
I can ponder over things clearly
While I am isolated from this world.
I too like to talk with people
When the talkers are sincere and intelligent,
When there is something to talk about.
Friendship to us is merely the reflection
Of such patterns of life
As we call our ideals.
Let us but cultivate our ideals,
Friendship will thus be established.
Thank you, my Older School Sister!
--The Wisconsin Literary Magazine, March, 1928

Farewell to My Young Friend Mar of Tungyung
By Sung Lien
NOTE: Sung Lien (A. D. 1310-1381). A native of Chin-hua in Chehkiang, who declined office and led a studious life until in 1367 he went to Nanking as tutor to the Heir Apparent. In 1369 he was appointed to edit the "History of Yuan Dynasty”, and he was also of the chief framers of the "Hung Wu Ch’en Yung”, a dictionary arranged under 76 rhymes. Later on he became President of the Han-lín College, and for many years enjoyed the Emperor's confidence. It is said that from his youth to old age he did not spend a single day without reading. He had thorough acquaintance with the "Five Classics” he was canonized as Wen Hisen, meaning the legislator of letters.
Since boyhood I have been eager for learning. Born in a poor family I could not afford to buy my own books; therefore, at need, I borrowed from those who had their private libraries. I copied them in hand writing, and very carefully kept account of the dates on which I had promised to return them. Even in times of intense cold, the ink being firmly frozen and my fingers unable to bend, I ran to return what I had borrowed, daring not to violate even slightly my promises. For this reason, many men lent me books; consequently, I was enabled to read and study a great number.
When I was about twenty, I became increasingly desirous of studying the principles of the sages. But I grieved for the lack of teachers and friends with substantial knowledge under whom I could pursue my studies. Therefore, frequently, I would walk forty or more miles to some eminent and learned teacher I could find within the district. I brought with me the Classics and begged that he explain what I did not understand. The teacher with his high moral standing and distinguished scholarship had his room full of students. Always he maintained his very grave and serous manner. Standing by his side I stated to him my doubts and thoughts and begged him to explain and criticize; my head was bowed and my ears were inclined while I made my request and listened to his response. In case he lost his temper, I appeared more respectful to him and more observant of propriety, daring not to utter a single word in return. When he was pleased again, I renewed my requests. Hence, stupid as I was, I learned something at last.
When I went to school, always I shouldered the satchel of books, with worn-out shoes walking through the mountain ways and woods. In the severely cold day when the wind blew violently and snow was several feet deep, I was insensible when the skin of my feet was lacerated. Stiff and immovable were my four limbs, when I reached the dormitory, where the janitor would bathe them in hot water, and then cover my whole body with heavy blankets. After a long while I was enabled thereby to recover.
In the dormitory I had two meals a day, but nothing fresh, fat, or of any good taste. All other schoolmates were dressed up in fine silk and with embroidery; their hats were decorated with jewels, their girdles made of white jade. Every one bore a sword on his left, and perfume at his right. They looked as shining and dignified as angles. While living among them I wore my cotton robe and tattered clothes, but had not the slightest desire to be like them, for I had my enjoyment focused upon something different, knowing not that my bodily wants were not as well supplied as those of others.
In such a manner I struggled with all my difficulties. Now, although I am already old and have accomplished as yet nothing, fortunately I have got into the intellectual class. I thank our good Emperor for his giving me the opportunity to work for the public welfare as his adviser. Throughout the country my name has often been mistakenly mentioned. What a better man some other would have made of himself, had he been better equipped with mentality than I!
Nowadays the students in the National University have their meals and dwellings supplied by the government, and their parents send them furs and cambrics; they do not have to worry lest they offer cold and hunger. Sitting inside the grand buildings to do their studying, they do not have to bother themselves to walk long miles. There are professors always ready; never will be a time when questions are not to be answered or when information cannot be obtained. Books that they ought to have are here all collected; no student has to be like me who had no books available except by borrowing from others and copying in handwriting. Should any one of these students not have done excellent work in his studies and should his moral standing not have approached perfection, this is less because his mentality is inferior to mine than that he failed to devote his attention to learning so assiduously as did I. Is it the fault of any one else?
My young friend Mar of Tungyung has been for two years in the National University. Many of my friends praise him for his high scholarship and good behavior. While I am serving in the Capital, he pays his visit to me as a youth of my home district and presents me as gift a long essay which embodies very intelligent matter and which is very well composed. Discussing some subjects with him I find him amicable and pleasant. He says he has been studying very hard. He is the one who really knows the best way to study. He is now going home to his parents; I therefore am taking the opportunity to relate to him my own difficulties in pursuing my studies. My sole purpose is to urge the people of our home district to pursue education. Should there be any one who might accuse me of displaying my good fortune before home folks, he will have entirely misunderstood me.
--The Wisconsin Literary Magazine, Dec. 1927


编辑:张 柠
